Page 128 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 128
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
output of chemical pesticide technicals (converted Freitas, Tatiana, and Alfred Cang. “China to
to 100% active ingredients) in Jiangsu Province Speed Brazil Corn Imports Amid Ukraine War,
was 52,400 tons, and the cumulative output from US Tensions - BNN Bloomberg.” BNN, 11 Aug.
January to May 2022 was 254,700 tons (National 2022,
Bureau of Statistics). speed-brazil-corn-imports-amid-ukraine-war-us-
Post-Covid-19, agrochemical manufacturers,
and suppliers are turning to e-commerce platforms National Bureau of Statistics. “China’s Chemical
like nurture.retail, DeHaat, AgroStar, FAARMS, and Pesticide Technical Production 1.078 Million Tons
others to market agrochemical products such in First 5 Months of 2022.” ECHEMI, https://www.
as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and plant Accessed 18 Oct.
growth regulators. These platforms will open 2022.
up digital connections between manufacturers,
merchants, and dealers, allowing them to Sinha, Laltu. China Produces 90% of World’s
purchase products at low rates with the highest Agrochemical Raw Materials. http://www.fnbnews.
level of quality assurance. In addition, players are com/Top-News/china-produces-90-of-worlds-
choosing for merger and acquisition strategies agrochemical-raw-materials-66813. Accessed 18
to gain a significant market share in the industry. Oct. 2022.
The global market for agrochemicals is expected
to increase from US$214.7 billion in 2021 to TheStateCouncil.“ChinatoImproveRuralDelivery
US$259.8 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 3.0% over Logistics System.” The State Council, https://english.
the forecast period (2022-2028). In recent decades,
agricultural markets have expanded as a result content_WS611f65f6c6d0df57f98dee42.html.
of increased food demand induced by the rapid Accessed 18 Oct. 2022.
growth of the human population. High population
and the resulting growth in food consumption, Wei, Xu. “Xi: Large-Scale Agriculture to Play Key
soil degradation, limited agricultural land, and Role.” China Daily,
increased consumer awareness of the benefits of cn/a/202206/29/WS62bb86eca310fd2b29e691e0.
agrochemicals are the primary factors driving the html. Accessed 18 Oct. 2022.
global agrochemicals industry (Sinha).
Xinhua. “China Passes New Law to
Works Cited Strengthen Black Soil Protection.” China Daily,
Abbott, Chuck. “After Reaching ‘Peak Cotton,’ a WS62b54d34a310fd2b29e68600.html. Accessed
Declining Role for China.” Successful Farming, 10 18 Oct. 2022.
Aug. 2022,
business/after-reaching-peak-cotton-a-declining- ---. “China's Grain Output Expected to
role-for-china. Remain Stable: Report.” China Daily, https://
CCFGroup. 2022 China State Cotton Reserves WS6260edcca310fd2b29e58621.html. Accessed 18
Settled, No Surprise to the Market. https://www. Oct. 2022.
ID=D00000&Info_ID=2022071130079. Accessed 18 ---. China's Per Capita Share of Grain at 483
Oct. 2022. Kg.
WS62ba74c1a310fd2b29e69086.html. Accessed 18
Chen, Cai. “China's 2021 Soybean, Corn Markets Oct. 2022.
in Review and 2022 Outlook.” Fastmarkets, 11
Jan. 2022, ---. “Sowing for Future: Xi Leads China’s Seed
2021-soybean-corn-markets-in-review-and-2022- Industry Vitalization_National_The People’s
outlook. Government of Henan Province.” The People’s
Government of Henan Province, https://english.
output of chemical pesticide technicals (converted Freitas, Tatiana, and Alfred Cang. “China to
to 100% active ingredients) in Jiangsu Province Speed Brazil Corn Imports Amid Ukraine War,
was 52,400 tons, and the cumulative output from US Tensions - BNN Bloomberg.” BNN, 11 Aug.
January to May 2022 was 254,700 tons (National 2022,
Bureau of Statistics). speed-brazil-corn-imports-amid-ukraine-war-us-
Post-Covid-19, agrochemical manufacturers,
and suppliers are turning to e-commerce platforms National Bureau of Statistics. “China’s Chemical
like nurture.retail, DeHaat, AgroStar, FAARMS, and Pesticide Technical Production 1.078 Million Tons
others to market agrochemical products such in First 5 Months of 2022.” ECHEMI, https://www.
as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and plant Accessed 18 Oct.
growth regulators. These platforms will open 2022.
up digital connections between manufacturers,
merchants, and dealers, allowing them to Sinha, Laltu. China Produces 90% of World’s
purchase products at low rates with the highest Agrochemical Raw Materials. http://www.fnbnews.
level of quality assurance. In addition, players are com/Top-News/china-produces-90-of-worlds-
choosing for merger and acquisition strategies agrochemical-raw-materials-66813. Accessed 18
to gain a significant market share in the industry. Oct. 2022.
The global market for agrochemicals is expected
to increase from US$214.7 billion in 2021 to TheStateCouncil.“ChinatoImproveRuralDelivery
US$259.8 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 3.0% over Logistics System.” The State Council, https://english.
the forecast period (2022-2028). In recent decades,
agricultural markets have expanded as a result content_WS611f65f6c6d0df57f98dee42.html.
of increased food demand induced by the rapid Accessed 18 Oct. 2022.
growth of the human population. High population
and the resulting growth in food consumption, Wei, Xu. “Xi: Large-Scale Agriculture to Play Key
soil degradation, limited agricultural land, and Role.” China Daily,
increased consumer awareness of the benefits of cn/a/202206/29/WS62bb86eca310fd2b29e691e0.
agrochemicals are the primary factors driving the html. Accessed 18 Oct. 2022.
global agrochemicals industry (Sinha).
Xinhua. “China Passes New Law to
Works Cited Strengthen Black Soil Protection.” China Daily,
Abbott, Chuck. “After Reaching ‘Peak Cotton,’ a WS62b54d34a310fd2b29e68600.html. Accessed
Declining Role for China.” Successful Farming, 10 18 Oct. 2022.
Aug. 2022,
business/after-reaching-peak-cotton-a-declining- ---. “China's Grain Output Expected to
role-for-china. Remain Stable: Report.” China Daily, https://
CCFGroup. 2022 China State Cotton Reserves WS6260edcca310fd2b29e58621.html. Accessed 18
Settled, No Surprise to the Market. https://www. Oct. 2022.
ID=D00000&Info_ID=2022071130079. Accessed 18 ---. China's Per Capita Share of Grain at 483
Oct. 2022. Kg.
WS62ba74c1a310fd2b29e69086.html. Accessed 18
Chen, Cai. “China's 2021 Soybean, Corn Markets Oct. 2022.
in Review and 2022 Outlook.” Fastmarkets, 11
Jan. 2022, ---. “Sowing for Future: Xi Leads China’s Seed
2021-soybean-corn-markets-in-review-and-2022- Industry Vitalization_National_The People’s
outlook. Government of Henan Province.” The People’s
Government of Henan Province, https://english.