Page 136 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 136
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
found that the virus has encountered complicated industry, and improve governance, as well as
gene exchange with different viruses circulating strengthen fishing industry S&T and advance
in wild birds and formed 16 genotypes since its reforms in fishing boat and harbor management,
emergence. They isolated 13 strains of the H5N1 set up more fishery cooperatives and enhance
virus from 26,767 wild bird and poultry samples law enforcement. The fourth priority is a 10-year
collected in China between September 2021 and fishing ban in the Yangtze River to enhance the
March 2022. Four genotypes of the virus, G1, G7, protection of aquatic life. The fifth objective will be
G9, and G10, were detected in China. Three of to strengthen risk prevention and control, and push
these were previously reported in other countries. for the safe development of the fishing industry.
Antigenicity analysis shows that the H5-Re14 Finally, the Plan “will promote open development
vaccine strains currently used in China match well and win-win cooperation;” boost international
with the virus. It indicates that H5 and H7 trivalent cooperation in the fishing industry, continue to
inactivated avian influenza vaccines can effectively improve the capacity for honoring agreements, and
protect immunized poultry from the virus (Xinhua, encourage domestic aquaculture companies to
“Chinese Scientists Identify Evolution of H5N1 venture abroad. The Plan also includes planning for
Avian Influenza Virus”). 12 major projects. According to planning, during the
period of the 14th Five-Year Plan, Tianjin, a coastal
Fishing city in Northern China, will develop 50 high-level
ponds covering 60,000 mu (about 4,000 hectares),
The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural increasing the yield per mu by 120% and the profit
Affairs issued the 14th Five-year Plan for National per mu by 10%, which was reported by the Tianjin
Fishery Development. The program studies and Government Affairs Network, the portal website of
assesses challenges and opportunities facing the the Tianjin Municipal Government (Redacción).
industry and makes overall arrangements for the
development of the fishing industry during the 14 The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
years in which will be implemented. With the goal said that China will carry out voluntary fishing
of building a solid foundation for fish production, moratoriums in certain parts of high seas in 2022.
the government plans, among many other actions, It said a fishing moratorium will be launched in
to stabilize the aquaculture area, boost green and certain parts of international waters of north
healthy aquaculture, revitalize fish seed production Indian Ocean on a trial basis for the first time.
and optimize catch supply. The goal is to promote Fishing bans in the high seas of the southwest
high-quality development and modernization of the Atlantic and north Indian Ocean took place
fishing industry. The Plan also puts forth 12 targets between July 1 and September 30, while the
in four areas: fishing industry development, green fishing moratorium in east Pacific open sea ran
ecology, S&T innovation, and governance capability, from September 1 to November 30. During the
so as to ensure the basic realization of a modern fishing moratorium, all Chinese distant-water
fishing industry by 2035. The Plan puts forward six fishing vessels, including squid boats and trawlers,
priorities of which the first is build a strong base will stop fishing in related waters. Since 2020,
for fishing production, stabilize the production of China has implemented voluntary fishing bans on
aquatic products and ensure their supply. Also, it key high seas fishing grounds in the southwest
will put ensuring the supply of aquatic products Atlantic and east Pacific for two consecutive
at the top of the agenda for development of the years, according to the ministry. The fishing
fishing industry. The second priority is to promote ban since 2022 has involved 70 Chinese distant-
the integrated development and modernization of water fishing firms and around 1,500 squid boats
the fishing industry, improve the processing and and trawlers, and no illegal fishing activities
distribution of aquatic products, develop various were found, the ministry noted. According to
business models, strengthen the expansion of monitoring and analysis from relevant scientific
markets for aquatic products, and facilitate the research institutions, growth of squid has
development of industry clusters. The third focus improved and the average squid catch per vessel
is to deepen reform and innovation in the fishing has increased in the parts of high seas where the
country's fishing moratorium was implemented,
found that the virus has encountered complicated industry, and improve governance, as well as
gene exchange with different viruses circulating strengthen fishing industry S&T and advance
in wild birds and formed 16 genotypes since its reforms in fishing boat and harbor management,
emergence. They isolated 13 strains of the H5N1 set up more fishery cooperatives and enhance
virus from 26,767 wild bird and poultry samples law enforcement. The fourth priority is a 10-year
collected in China between September 2021 and fishing ban in the Yangtze River to enhance the
March 2022. Four genotypes of the virus, G1, G7, protection of aquatic life. The fifth objective will be
G9, and G10, were detected in China. Three of to strengthen risk prevention and control, and push
these were previously reported in other countries. for the safe development of the fishing industry.
Antigenicity analysis shows that the H5-Re14 Finally, the Plan “will promote open development
vaccine strains currently used in China match well and win-win cooperation;” boost international
with the virus. It indicates that H5 and H7 trivalent cooperation in the fishing industry, continue to
inactivated avian influenza vaccines can effectively improve the capacity for honoring agreements, and
protect immunized poultry from the virus (Xinhua, encourage domestic aquaculture companies to
“Chinese Scientists Identify Evolution of H5N1 venture abroad. The Plan also includes planning for
Avian Influenza Virus”). 12 major projects. According to planning, during the
period of the 14th Five-Year Plan, Tianjin, a coastal
Fishing city in Northern China, will develop 50 high-level
ponds covering 60,000 mu (about 4,000 hectares),
The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural increasing the yield per mu by 120% and the profit
Affairs issued the 14th Five-year Plan for National per mu by 10%, which was reported by the Tianjin
Fishery Development. The program studies and Government Affairs Network, the portal website of
assesses challenges and opportunities facing the the Tianjin Municipal Government (Redacción).
industry and makes overall arrangements for the
development of the fishing industry during the 14 The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
years in which will be implemented. With the goal said that China will carry out voluntary fishing
of building a solid foundation for fish production, moratoriums in certain parts of high seas in 2022.
the government plans, among many other actions, It said a fishing moratorium will be launched in
to stabilize the aquaculture area, boost green and certain parts of international waters of north
healthy aquaculture, revitalize fish seed production Indian Ocean on a trial basis for the first time.
and optimize catch supply. The goal is to promote Fishing bans in the high seas of the southwest
high-quality development and modernization of the Atlantic and north Indian Ocean took place
fishing industry. The Plan also puts forth 12 targets between July 1 and September 30, while the
in four areas: fishing industry development, green fishing moratorium in east Pacific open sea ran
ecology, S&T innovation, and governance capability, from September 1 to November 30. During the
so as to ensure the basic realization of a modern fishing moratorium, all Chinese distant-water
fishing industry by 2035. The Plan puts forward six fishing vessels, including squid boats and trawlers,
priorities of which the first is build a strong base will stop fishing in related waters. Since 2020,
for fishing production, stabilize the production of China has implemented voluntary fishing bans on
aquatic products and ensure their supply. Also, it key high seas fishing grounds in the southwest
will put ensuring the supply of aquatic products Atlantic and east Pacific for two consecutive
at the top of the agenda for development of the years, according to the ministry. The fishing
fishing industry. The second priority is to promote ban since 2022 has involved 70 Chinese distant-
the integrated development and modernization of water fishing firms and around 1,500 squid boats
the fishing industry, improve the processing and and trawlers, and no illegal fishing activities
distribution of aquatic products, develop various were found, the ministry noted. According to
business models, strengthen the expansion of monitoring and analysis from relevant scientific
markets for aquatic products, and facilitate the research institutions, growth of squid has
development of industry clusters. The third focus improved and the average squid catch per vessel
is to deepen reform and innovation in the fishing has increased in the parts of high seas where the
country's fishing moratorium was implemented,