Page 58 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 58
Close to 60% of the participating companies 近六成受访企业受到美国贸易关税的负面影
felt the negative impacts brought by US 响,相较过去两年,强烈的负面影响有所增
tariffs, but strong negative impact has intensified 强。在美国贸易关税的影响下,美资企业(64%)持
compared with the past two years. American 续受挫且受冲击最严重,其次是中资企业(58%)。
companies (64%) continue to suffer serious
setbacks and are the hardest hit, followed by
Chinese companies (58%).

2021 2022
Strong Negative Impact Strong Negative Impact

强烈的负面影响 强烈的负面影响

11% 44% 39% 19%

2021 2022
Slight Negative Impact Slight Negative impact

轻微的负面影响 轻微的负面影响

Figure 59 Impact of US Tariffs on Business (by Origins of Companies)
图表 59 美国贸易关税对企业的影响(按照国家来源划分)

   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63