Page 61 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 61
terms of change of market share due to 因两国贸易关税产生的市场份额变化情况
combined tariffs, the overall picture looks less 相较2021年有所恶化,41%的受访企业
favourable in 2022 compared with a year earlier. 表示因两国贸易关税而减少了市场份额,该比例同
12% more companies (41%) reported market 比上涨12%,与2020年情况基本一致。其中,美资
losses due to US-China tariffs, which is roughly 企业损失的市场份额最大。59%的受访企业表示没
consistent with that in 2020. Specifically, American 有受到任何影响,仅1%的受访企业表示因此增加了
companies suffered the biggest losses. 59% 市场份额。
claimed no changes at all. And only 1% increased
market shares.

Figure 62 Change of Market Share due to Combined Tariffs (by Origins of Companies)
图表 62 因两国贸易关税产生的市场份额变化(按照国家来源划分)

   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66