Page 53 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 53
view of the high mutation rates of the 尽管 中 国 新 冠 病 毒 疫 苗 接 种 率 已 达 较 高 水
coronavirus and the changing pandemic 平,但鉴于病毒的变异特性和国内外疫情
situation at home and abroad, China continues 形势的不断变化,中国继续坚持“外放输入、内防反
to adhere to the overall strategy of “preventing 弹”总策略和“动态清零”总方针。
inbound cases and domestic resurgence” and the
“dynamic zero-COVID” approach even though the 高达97%的受访企业表示由于新冠病毒导致的签
country has registered a high vaccination rate. 证和旅行限制影响了企业运营,其中,超七成受访企
Up to 97% of the participating companies stated 业受到美国签证和旅行限制的影响。旅行限制对企业
that their operations have been impacted by visa 在华业务造成的主要影响为取消了在中国的国际活动
and travel restrictions induced by COVID-19. 或会议,其次是取消了所有国际商务旅行以及影响了
Among them, 73% were affected by China’s visa 投资项目。
and travel restrictions while 20% experienced US
restrictions. Major impacts of the travel restrictions
on operations in China include the cancellation
of international events/meetings in China, the
cancellation of all international business travel,
and the disruption to investment projects.

Figure 53 Impacts of the Visa and Travel Restrictions due to COVID-19 on Company Operations
图表 53 新冠疫情导致的签证和旅行限制是否对企业运营造成了影响

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