Page 55 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 55
pter Five US-China Bilateral

94% of the participating companies will 与2021年调查结果一致,94%的受访企业表
not decouple from China because of US- 示不会因为中美贸易摩擦而完全撤离中国
China trade tensions, which is identical to 2021’s 市场。但企业对2023年中美关系前景的信心出现轻
findings. However, confidence in the US-China 微波动,不足三成受访企业(27%)看好未来一年中
relations in 2023 oscillates slightly with 27% of the 美关系,该比例相较2021年下降了13%。持乐观态
participating companies bullish about the future 度的中资企业比例同比下降8%至32%,持悲观态度
relationship, a drop of 13%. 8% fewer Chinese 的美资企业比例同比大幅上涨26%至44%。
companies (32%) are optimistic about the bilateral
relations while 26% more American companies
(44%) express their pessimism.

Figure 55 Comparison of Intention to Decouple from China due to US-China Trade Tensions
图表 55 因中美贸易摩擦而完全撤离中国市场的意向对比

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60