Page 57 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 57
overwhelming majority of the 绝大部分受访企业认为中美贸易纠纷在2023
participating companies believe that the 年扩大的可能性较大。高达90%的受访企
US-China trade dispute is more likely to expand 业认为中美贸易纠纷在未来一年“非常可能”或“比
in 2023. Up to 90% of them believe that it is “very 较可能”扩大。尽管中美贸易纠纷已持续相当长一段
likely” or “quite likely” to expand. Even though US- 时间,但仍有64%的受访企业预计中美贸易纠纷对其
China trade dispute has continued for quite a long 影响的时间将超过两年。
time, 64% of the participating companies expect
that its impact on business will last for more than
two years.

Figure 57 Possibility of Escalation of US-China Trade Dispute in 2023 (by Origins of Companies)
图表 57 中美贸易纠纷在2023年扩大的可能性(按照国家来源划分)

Figure 58 Estimated Period of the Impact of US-China Trade Dispute on Business
图表 58 (by Origins of Companies)
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62