Page 60 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 60
The relocation destinations in this year’s 本次调查结果与去年基本一致,越南依旧是
research bear a striking similarity to last 企业考虑将部分或所有生产线撤离中国
year’s. Vietnam remains the first choice by 35% of 的首选目的地,该比例同比增长8%。美国则取代新
companies when considering relocation of some 加坡成为第二大目的地,新加坡退居第三。其他热
or all manufacturing out of China, an increase 门目的地包括泰国(8%)、印度(8%)、马来西
of 8%. The U.S. has replaced Singapore as the 亚(3%)、日本(3%)、墨西哥(3%)、加拿大
second destination choice, and Singapore has (3%)及印度尼西亚(2%)。
dropped to the third. Other popular destinations
include Thailand (8%), India (8%), Malaysia
(3%), Japan (3%), Mexico (3%), Canada (3%), and
Indonesia (2%).

Figure 61 Relocation Destinations of Some or All Manufacturing out of China
图表 61 将部分或所有生产线撤离中国的目的地对比

   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65