Page 21 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 21
pter Two Revenue and

Compared with previous years, the 相较往年,企业在华收入占全球营收比例呈
percentage of companies’ global annual 现轻微的波动。过半受访企业超过百分之
revenue from China demonstrates a mild 三十的全球收入来自中国,相较去年增加了4%。45%
fluctuation. More than half of the participating 的受访企业2022年在华营收显著增加或少量增长,其
companies gained over 30% of their global 中,美资企业占比43%,制造业企业占比49%。
revenue from China, an increase of 4%. 45% of the
participating companies registered a significant
or slight increase in their revenue from China in
2022, including 43% of American companies and
49% of manufacturing companies.

Figure 10 Comparison of Percentage of Companies’ Global Annual Revenue from China (2018-2022)
图表 10 在华收入占全球营收比例对比(2018-2022)

   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26