Page 20 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 20
In 2022, due to the changing international 2022年,受国际形势多变、疫情反复等多重
landscape, the recurrent pandemic outbreaks 因素的叠加影响,受访企业在华雇员规模
and other factors, there is a slight reduction in 小幅缩减,41%的受访企业在2022年增加了在华雇
employee headcount, with the proportion of 员,较去年同比下降9%。然而,大部分企业对未来
companies reporting to have increased headcount 一年的招聘计划充满信心,其中,超四成受访企业计
in 2022 dropping by 9% to 41%. However, 划在2023年显著增加或少量增加雇员。
most companies remain confident about their
employment expansion plans, with more than
40% of them planning to increase their headcount
significantly or slightly in 2023.

Figure 8 Change in Employee Headcount in China in 2022
图表 8 2022年在华雇员数量变化

Figure 9 Employment Plan in China in 2023
图表 9 2023年在华雇员计划

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