Page 12 - 2021 Special Report
P. 12
Takeaways 关键要点
Th e global economy appears to be emerging 2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发引起了健康与经
from one of its deepest recessions 济危机,全球经济似乎正从最严重的
followed by the devastating health and economic crisis 衰退中复苏过来。中国作为全球第一个复苏的主要经济体,
caused by COVID-19 in 2020. As the first major economy 现已逐渐从新冠疫情带来的极端困难与挑战中走出来。许
to show a recovery, China has successfully navigated 多华南美国商会会员企业都抵御了疫情所带来的不同程度
the extreme hardship brought by the COVID-19. Many 的影响。为了评估新冠疫情对我们会员的影响,我们于2020
AmCham South China members have withstood the 年2月首次发表了《新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情的影响
impact to various degrees. To evaluate the impact 特别报告》,然后在2020年3月发布了《新型冠状病毒(CO-
of COVID-19 on our members, our first study of the VID-19)对供应链的影响特别报告》,并于同年9月发布了
subject, the Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus 《2020年华南地区经济情况年中特别报告》。2021年,疫情
was published in February 2020. Then the Special Report 变化和外部环境仍然存在诸多不确定性,世界经济形势依
on Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain was released in 然复杂严峻。华南美国商会持续跟进疫情对会员企业在华
March 2020 followed by the 2020 Mid-Year Special Report 运营的影响,本年度的特别报告也不例外。
on the State of Business in South China in the same year
in September. With the uncertainties of pandemic and
external environment in 2021, the world economic
situation remains complex and severe. AmCham South
China has continued to track its impact on companies
with established operations in China in various ways, and
this report is another one in a series of studies to come.
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:
·None of the companies surveyed showed ·没有任何受访企业表示要完全撤离中国。
willingness to leave China completely.
·Most companies reported positive overall returns 且高于全球投资总体回报率。大部分企业对中国市场的增
on investment (ROI) in China, which were higher than their 长仍保持乐观的态度。跟早期2016年到19年的数据相比,企
global ROI. A majority of companies remain optimistic 业对中国市场的信心显著上涨,尤其是美资企业对中国市
towards the business outlook in China, a remarkable 场增长最为乐观。
increase compared to data from 2016 to 2019. In particular,
American companies see a brighter prospect of China’s · 尽管中国作为生产制造基地的吸引力正逐渐下降,
market growth. 超过一半的受访企业仍将中国列为全球投资计划中的首
·China remains the top investment destination
by more than half of the studied companies despite its ·虽然新冠疫情等一系列因素导致2020年全球经济受
decreasing attraction as a manufacturing base. 到严重影响,但是2020年企业在华实际再投资仅小幅下降。
·While a combination of factors including the 华再投资份额。
coronavirus pandemic severely impacted the global
economy in 2020, only a slight decrease in actual · 中国市场巨大的增长潜力、政策利好以及其他国家
reinvestment in China was realized. However, compared to 新冠疫情的不确定性增强了企业在华投资或转移投资到中
2019, a 17% of companies slightly decreased or significantly 国的兴趣。
decreased their reinvestment quota in 2020 in China.
·Factors including huge market potential, preferential 再投资特大项目的大幅减少存在着直接联系。大中小型再
policies and uncertainties of pandemic in other countries,
have whetted companies’ interest to increase investment
in China or shift investment to China.
·An interesting finding of the 2021 Special Report
is the direct connection between the reduced number of
expatriate executives in China and the massive reduction
Th e global economy appears to be emerging 2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发引起了健康与经
from one of its deepest recessions 济危机,全球经济似乎正从最严重的
followed by the devastating health and economic crisis 衰退中复苏过来。中国作为全球第一个复苏的主要经济体,
caused by COVID-19 in 2020. As the first major economy 现已逐渐从新冠疫情带来的极端困难与挑战中走出来。许
to show a recovery, China has successfully navigated 多华南美国商会会员企业都抵御了疫情所带来的不同程度
the extreme hardship brought by the COVID-19. Many 的影响。为了评估新冠疫情对我们会员的影响,我们于2020
AmCham South China members have withstood the 年2月首次发表了《新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情的影响
impact to various degrees. To evaluate the impact 特别报告》,然后在2020年3月发布了《新型冠状病毒(CO-
of COVID-19 on our members, our first study of the VID-19)对供应链的影响特别报告》,并于同年9月发布了
subject, the Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus 《2020年华南地区经济情况年中特别报告》。2021年,疫情
was published in February 2020. Then the Special Report 变化和外部环境仍然存在诸多不确定性,世界经济形势依
on Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain was released in 然复杂严峻。华南美国商会持续跟进疫情对会员企业在华
March 2020 followed by the 2020 Mid-Year Special Report 运营的影响,本年度的特别报告也不例外。
on the State of Business in South China in the same year
in September. With the uncertainties of pandemic and
external environment in 2021, the world economic
situation remains complex and severe. AmCham South
China has continued to track its impact on companies
with established operations in China in various ways, and
this report is another one in a series of studies to come.
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:
·None of the companies surveyed showed ·没有任何受访企业表示要完全撤离中国。
willingness to leave China completely.
·Most companies reported positive overall returns 且高于全球投资总体回报率。大部分企业对中国市场的增
on investment (ROI) in China, which were higher than their 长仍保持乐观的态度。跟早期2016年到19年的数据相比,企
global ROI. A majority of companies remain optimistic 业对中国市场的信心显著上涨,尤其是美资企业对中国市
towards the business outlook in China, a remarkable 场增长最为乐观。
increase compared to data from 2016 to 2019. In particular,
American companies see a brighter prospect of China’s · 尽管中国作为生产制造基地的吸引力正逐渐下降,
market growth. 超过一半的受访企业仍将中国列为全球投资计划中的首
·China remains the top investment destination
by more than half of the studied companies despite its ·虽然新冠疫情等一系列因素导致2020年全球经济受
decreasing attraction as a manufacturing base. 到严重影响,但是2020年企业在华实际再投资仅小幅下降。
·While a combination of factors including the 华再投资份额。
coronavirus pandemic severely impacted the global
economy in 2020, only a slight decrease in actual · 中国市场巨大的增长潜力、政策利好以及其他国家
reinvestment in China was realized. However, compared to 新冠疫情的不确定性增强了企业在华投资或转移投资到中
2019, a 17% of companies slightly decreased or significantly 国的兴趣。
decreased their reinvestment quota in 2020 in China.
·Factors including huge market potential, preferential 再投资特大项目的大幅减少存在着直接联系。大中小型再
policies and uncertainties of pandemic in other countries,
have whetted companies’ interest to increase investment
in China or shift investment to China.
·An interesting finding of the 2021 Special Report
is the direct connection between the reduced number of
expatriate executives in China and the massive reduction