Page 15 - 2021 Special Report
P. 15
uangzhou Huangpu, located on the upper end of Guangzhou
the Pearl River Delta and at the heart Huangpu
of the Greater Bay Area, is often referred to as the lustrous pearl on top of
the Pearl River. It is one of 11 districts of Guangzhou, yet the most important 广州黄埔区、
in industrial output. Huangpu generates 48% of the overall industrial GDP of 广州开发区
Guangzhou and 78% of the Hi-tech GDP.

The district started out under the name “Guangzhou Development
District” 36 years ago, as one of the first batch of development districts in
China, on a plot just 9.6 km2 large and with an initial investment of 20,000
RMB. Today it sprawls over an area 50 times larger, covering an area of 484
km2, that includes the Huangpu port area in the east, Science City in the center,
Guangzhou Sino-Singapore Knowledge City in the North, and Bio-Island in the
south close to Guangzhou’s downtown. Huangpu’s revenue too has risen
many folds, with a GDP now standing at over 350 billion RMB in 2019.

From its very inception Guangzhou Development District attracted numerous
international companies and has now the largest concentration of foreign direct
investment in Southern China. More than 3,600 foreign invested companies call
Huangpu their 2nd home, including close to 200 Fortune 500 companies. Among the
largest and most successful examples are many American companies, such as Procter
& Gamble, Coca Cola, and General Electrics.

Huangpu is to Guangzhou what Pudong is to Shanghai - a very modern 广州 黄 埔 区 、广 州 开 发 区 位 于 粤 港 澳 大 湾 区 的
and highly developed business district that is fully integrated with the city 核心位置,是粤港澳大湾区重要创新区域 。其
center. There are six metro lines and many roads and highways that connect 文 化 底 蕴 厚 重,拥 有 古 代 海 上 丝 绸 之 路 重 要 起 点 —— 南 海
Huangpu not just to downtown but to all the parts of the Greater Bay Area. 神 庙,近 代 民 主 革 命 策 源 地 —— 黄 埔 军 校,以 及 珠 江 黄 金 岸
The Guangzhou Baiyun Airport can be reached within half an hour, and 线 和 华 南 重 要 港 口 —— 黄 埔 港 。广 州 开 发 区 是 全 国 首 批 1 4
Shenzhen’s Bao’an airport is only an hour drive away. Huangpu is not just an 个 国 家 级 经 开 区 之 一,发 展 3 6 年 以 来 已 创 造 了 多 项“全 国
industrial district but has also very livable residential areas, that are attractive 第 一”,财 税 总 收 入、科 技 创 新、营 商 环 境、知 识 产 权 保 护、
to both the local and international community. In fact, 80% of the international 上 市 企 业 总 数 在 全 国 2 1 9 家 国 家 级 经 开 区 均 排 名 第 一 。获
schools of Guangzhou, such as the renowned Guangzhou American 颁 联 合 国“ 2 0 1 9 年 度 全 球 杰 出 投 资 促 进 机 构 大 奖 ”,成 为 唯
International School, are based in Huangpu. 一 获 奖 的 中 国 机 构,是 一 个 效 益 之 区 、创 新 之 区 、活 力 之 区 。

In recent years Huangpu has gone through massive upgrading and 黄埔区、广州开发区投资环境的优势及发展前景
rejuvenation. In its wake it has established a strong focus on modern industries 主要表现在:优越的区位优势。该区是粤港澳大湾区战
such as new generation IT (ICT), artificial intelligence, biomedicine, new energy 略的创新载体区域,立体化的城际交通网络将黄埔区与
and new materials. A shining example for successful ICT development in 大湾区其他主要城市紧密相连。产业优势明显。形成了
Huangpu is LG, which is with more than 10 billion USD the largest foreign 以汽车、电子、能源、高端化工为代表的四大千亿级产业
investor in Huangpu so far. LG’s plant is the largest outside Korea and 集群和新材料、生物健康、金属制造、食品饮料四大五百
produces state of the art OLED screens. 亿级产业集群,重点培育以新一代信息技术、智能装备、
Biomedicine too has rapidly developed. In 2017, in cooperation with 汇聚各类市场主体20万多家,上市企业60多家,世界500
General Electric Lifesciences (now CYTIVA) Huangpu set up the Guangzhou 强企业项目190多家,累计吸引100多个国家和地区超过
Bio-Park in the north of Sino-Singapore Knowledge city. Since then the park 3600家跨国公司投资创业。良好的创业创新环境。拥有
has attracted many important international and national players, such as 完善的知识产权运用和保护体系,是全市唯一行使省级、
Lonza, BeiGene and Akesobio. This development combined with the goal to 市级知识产权行政执法权的区域。全区规模以上高技术
provide better cancer treatment for patients, led to a noteworthy international 产业产值总量占全市的80%,高新技术产业产值占全市
recognition: in 2019 Guangzhou Huangpu won the international investment 78%。拥有国家、省、市创新平台1000多个,科技企业2万
award for sustainable investment bestowed by the United Nations in Geneva. 家,高新技术企业超过2000家。精准的政府政策与高效
Huangpu is the first district in China to receive such award. 的政府服务。为企业提供简洁、高效、互动的行政服务,
Local companies alike grow and thrive in Huangpu and become 政策、“金融10条”、“纳米10条”“工业互联网10条”等。
more and more international. Over 60 local companies are stock-listed on
exchanges around the world. Recent examples include XPENG, a new energy 2020年,广州黄埔区广州开发区实现了疫情防控以及经
vehicle company, Burning Rock a LiveScience company, and Ehang, a China 济发展的“双胜利”,1-11月规模以上工业总产值约7177亿元,
unicorn that produces drones. 同比增长1.5%,占全市40.5%;合同利用外资为39.68亿美元,同
比增长126.8%;实际利用外资为25.47亿美元,同比增长39.4%。 15
Guangzhou Huangpu embodies all the aspects that make the Greater
Bay Area so successful. It combines a pleasant living environment with
a dynamic business environment, fast-pace entrepreneurial spirit with
sophisticated understatement. Among the four first tier cities it is the most
cost competitive and yet attracts national and international talent through its
Cantonese charm and inclusiveness.When can we welcome you in Huangpu?
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