Page 16 - 2021 Special Report
P. 16
cial Sponsor 特别赞助商
T h e Westin Guangzhou is located in the 广州海航威斯汀酒店位于天河北繁华商圈,毗
heart of the business district – the Tian 邻中信广场,交通便利,距广州火车东站800
He District, adjacent to the CITIC Plaza, around 800 me- 余米,更有2个地铁站能通达广州白云机场及广州各
ters’ distance to the Guangzhou East Train Station, and 处。得天独厚的地理位置使高档豪华的广州海航威斯
2 subway stations connecting to Baiyun Airport and the 汀酒店成为了一处极为理想的会议地点,同时也是宾
rest of Guangzhou. 客放松身心、购物、健身及恢复活力的目的地。
The hotel features 444 stylish guest rooms and 酒店拥有444间设计时尚的客房和套房使宾客达到
suites. 50-sqm in size offers you the ultimate in comfort 最佳状态,客房面积达50平方米,设有舒适科技,包括
and technology including Westin’s signature Heavenly® 威斯汀天梦之床 、天梦之浴 、高速因特网接入、40寸以
Bed, Heavenly® Bath, high speed internet access, 40” 上的液晶电视和Herman Miller座椅。
LCD screen TV and Herman Miller chair.
There are 5 restaurants and bar in hotel. Lobby 旅,1楼大堂吧为您提供茶、咖啡及蛋糕;White Scent
Lounge and White Scent for casual dining and drinks; 为您提供汉堡、三文治等简餐,更有各式鸡尾酒和果汁
Seasonal Tastes offers sumptuous buffets and interna- 等饮料,是您聚会、畅聊、休闲的好去处;2楼知味全日
tional favorites; Hong Mian Chinese restaurant pres- 餐厅可以品味到新鲜美味的自助餐及各国美食;4楼的
ents traditional Cantonese cuisines and creative delica- 红棉中餐厅则可以让您体验本地美食文化,品尝到原
cies, and Italian specialties are severed at the top floor 汁原味的经典粤菜;40楼帕戈餐厅让您感受西方传统
Prego restaurant. 美食的诱惑。
Heavenly® Spa located at 6 floor is simple, yet very 位于酒店六楼的天梦水疗环境清新宜人:高高的天
sensual: high-ceilings, black stone walls with a smooth- 花板、黑色的石墙、颇具禅意的水池、精美的植物花瓶
ing zen-inspired pool as you enter. Stunning vases of 和雕塑般的花朵,让您瞬间感觉置身于世外桃源。一进
foliage and sculpture-like flowers provide and instant 入天梦水疗便可以闻到威斯汀特有的白茶香味,清新
yet gentle escape from the outside world. 自然,舒缓身心。
WestinWORKOUT® Fitness Studios located at 7 floor 七楼的威斯汀健身馆WestinWORKOUT® 24小时开
is accessible 24 hours to keep your commitment to fit- 放,配备先进一流的泰诺健 健身器材,TRX等,让宾客
ness. One entire floor is dedicated to your well-being. 随时锻炼,保持健康活力。设有室外泳池与恒温泳池,
Indoor & outdoor pools, Jacuzzi’s steam room and sau- 无论什么季节,宾客们都可尽情畅游,充分享受惬意时
na allow our guests to keep fit and relax. 光,此外还配有儿童泳池,让孩子们尽享无限乐趣。
The Westin Guangzhou offers a total of 1,130-sqm 酒店提供共1,130平方米的宴会场地,先进完善的会
of advanced and well-designed banquet and facilities 议设备,无论举办行政级会议、中型至大型会议或特别
in expansive modular meetings and banquet space to 活动,都可满足客人的要求。
meeting our clients’ need.
T h e Westin Guangzhou is located in the 广州海航威斯汀酒店位于天河北繁华商圈,毗
heart of the business district – the Tian 邻中信广场,交通便利,距广州火车东站800
He District, adjacent to the CITIC Plaza, around 800 me- 余米,更有2个地铁站能通达广州白云机场及广州各
ters’ distance to the Guangzhou East Train Station, and 处。得天独厚的地理位置使高档豪华的广州海航威斯
2 subway stations connecting to Baiyun Airport and the 汀酒店成为了一处极为理想的会议地点,同时也是宾
rest of Guangzhou. 客放松身心、购物、健身及恢复活力的目的地。
The hotel features 444 stylish guest rooms and 酒店拥有444间设计时尚的客房和套房使宾客达到
suites. 50-sqm in size offers you the ultimate in comfort 最佳状态,客房面积达50平方米,设有舒适科技,包括
and technology including Westin’s signature Heavenly® 威斯汀天梦之床 、天梦之浴 、高速因特网接入、40寸以
Bed, Heavenly® Bath, high speed internet access, 40” 上的液晶电视和Herman Miller座椅。
LCD screen TV and Herman Miller chair.
There are 5 restaurants and bar in hotel. Lobby 旅,1楼大堂吧为您提供茶、咖啡及蛋糕;White Scent
Lounge and White Scent for casual dining and drinks; 为您提供汉堡、三文治等简餐,更有各式鸡尾酒和果汁
Seasonal Tastes offers sumptuous buffets and interna- 等饮料,是您聚会、畅聊、休闲的好去处;2楼知味全日
tional favorites; Hong Mian Chinese restaurant pres- 餐厅可以品味到新鲜美味的自助餐及各国美食;4楼的
ents traditional Cantonese cuisines and creative delica- 红棉中餐厅则可以让您体验本地美食文化,品尝到原
cies, and Italian specialties are severed at the top floor 汁原味的经典粤菜;40楼帕戈餐厅让您感受西方传统
Prego restaurant. 美食的诱惑。
Heavenly® Spa located at 6 floor is simple, yet very 位于酒店六楼的天梦水疗环境清新宜人:高高的天
sensual: high-ceilings, black stone walls with a smooth- 花板、黑色的石墙、颇具禅意的水池、精美的植物花瓶
ing zen-inspired pool as you enter. Stunning vases of 和雕塑般的花朵,让您瞬间感觉置身于世外桃源。一进
foliage and sculpture-like flowers provide and instant 入天梦水疗便可以闻到威斯汀特有的白茶香味,清新
yet gentle escape from the outside world. 自然,舒缓身心。
WestinWORKOUT® Fitness Studios located at 7 floor 七楼的威斯汀健身馆WestinWORKOUT® 24小时开
is accessible 24 hours to keep your commitment to fit- 放,配备先进一流的泰诺健 健身器材,TRX等,让宾客
ness. One entire floor is dedicated to your well-being. 随时锻炼,保持健康活力。设有室外泳池与恒温泳池,
Indoor & outdoor pools, Jacuzzi’s steam room and sau- 无论什么季节,宾客们都可尽情畅游,充分享受惬意时
na allow our guests to keep fit and relax. 光,此外还配有儿童泳池,让孩子们尽享无限乐趣。
The Westin Guangzhou offers a total of 1,130-sqm 酒店提供共1,130平方米的宴会场地,先进完善的会
of advanced and well-designed banquet and facilities 议设备,无论举办行政级会议、中型至大型会议或特别
in expansive modular meetings and banquet space to 活动,都可满足客人的要求。
meeting our clients’ need.