Page 8 - 2021 Special Report
P. 8
sident’s Message 会长致辞
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
Once again, I am writing to you 在此,我再次向各位介绍本年度《2021年华南
to present another addition to our annual Special 地区经济情况特别报告》。从多个方面而言,2020年
Report on the State of Business in South China. In 令人失望,也令人难忘。我们原计划将中美第二或第
many ways, 2020 was a disappointing year that 三阶段的谈判进展作为本书的主题。谁料新冠疫情
will long be remembered. We had anticipated the 爆发,引发一系列严重后果,也打乱了我们原有的节
underlining theme of this year’s book to be one of 奏。许多人痛失挚爱亲友。在悲痛之余,还要应对疫
progress on a Phase II if not Phase III deal between 情对业务造成的冲击。
the US and China. Instead, we had to face the
undisputable consequences of COVID-19. Many of 我相信,随着2021年的到来,会有更多值得我们
us tragically lost loved ones and friends. We also had 自豪的事情发生。我们挺过这次灾难,再次崛起,犹
to deal with the repercussions to our businesses as 如凤凰涅槃。我们齐心协力,互伸援手,战胜危机。中
we continued to grieve. 国成为首个实现复工复产的国家,这背后是说不尽
I believe that there is much to be proud of as 的老师和管理人员尽早回到中国,我们全力配合广
we enter 2021. Like a phoenix, we have risen again 东省商务厅及外事办公室等政府部门的工作。当时,
from what may have been certain catastrophic 要让身在他国的人员重返中国、回归工作岗位并不
circumstances. We made it through together by 容易,但我们做到了。尽管大家都身处困境,华南美
helping each other. China was the first country to get 国商会仍成功募得数百万美元的现金和物资,将其
back to business, but it was not easy. For example, we 送到需要的人手中,因为我们深知,贡献社区即造福
worked feverishly with government officials and other 企业。
institutions such as the Guangdong Department
of Commerce and Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) for a 最终,我们的成功取决于会员的努力和贡献。新
speedy return of our member company executives as 冠疫情爆发之初,华南美国商会的会员迅速行动,到
well as teachers and administrators of international 2020年2月中旬已捐献了3800万美元的现金和价值
schools back to China. Our challenge was getting 105万美元的物资,用于援助湖北武汉及其它需要帮
people back to work, and we succeeded. Although 助的地区。
we were all hurting, AmCham South China also was
able to raise millions of dollars in cash and supplies 2020年新冠疫情对经济造成百年一遇的冲击,
for those in need for we understand that doing what 产生了深远广泛的影响。若以产出总量衡量,全球经
is best for our community is good for our businesses. 济 正 逐 渐 从 衰 退 中 复 苏 。全 球 7 7 亿 人 中,也 许 没 几
Ultimately, our success depends on the hard 2021年的经济复苏。但新冠疫情带来的其它影响将
work and contributions of our membership. At the 决定未来数年的全球增长趋势。有些影响早已显现。
onset of COVID-19 AmCham South China members 机器人将进一步取代工厂和服务岗位,白领们会更
were quick to jump into action and by mid-February,
2020 had already donated US$38 million in cash and
1.05 million US dollars in-kind to aid Wuhan, Hubei,
and other areas in need.
Economic shocks like the coronavirus pandemic
of 2020 only arrive once every few generations, and
they bring about permanent and far-reaching change.
Measured by output, the world economy is well on the
way to recovery from a slump the likes of which barely
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
Once again, I am writing to you 在此,我再次向各位介绍本年度《2021年华南
to present another addition to our annual Special 地区经济情况特别报告》。从多个方面而言,2020年
Report on the State of Business in South China. In 令人失望,也令人难忘。我们原计划将中美第二或第
many ways, 2020 was a disappointing year that 三阶段的谈判进展作为本书的主题。谁料新冠疫情
will long be remembered. We had anticipated the 爆发,引发一系列严重后果,也打乱了我们原有的节
underlining theme of this year’s book to be one of 奏。许多人痛失挚爱亲友。在悲痛之余,还要应对疫
progress on a Phase II if not Phase III deal between 情对业务造成的冲击。
the US and China. Instead, we had to face the
undisputable consequences of COVID-19. Many of 我相信,随着2021年的到来,会有更多值得我们
us tragically lost loved ones and friends. We also had 自豪的事情发生。我们挺过这次灾难,再次崛起,犹
to deal with the repercussions to our businesses as 如凤凰涅槃。我们齐心协力,互伸援手,战胜危机。中
we continued to grieve. 国成为首个实现复工复产的国家,这背后是说不尽
I believe that there is much to be proud of as 的老师和管理人员尽早回到中国,我们全力配合广
we enter 2021. Like a phoenix, we have risen again 东省商务厅及外事办公室等政府部门的工作。当时,
from what may have been certain catastrophic 要让身在他国的人员重返中国、回归工作岗位并不
circumstances. We made it through together by 容易,但我们做到了。尽管大家都身处困境,华南美
helping each other. China was the first country to get 国商会仍成功募得数百万美元的现金和物资,将其
back to business, but it was not easy. For example, we 送到需要的人手中,因为我们深知,贡献社区即造福
worked feverishly with government officials and other 企业。
institutions such as the Guangdong Department
of Commerce and Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) for a 最终,我们的成功取决于会员的努力和贡献。新
speedy return of our member company executives as 冠疫情爆发之初,华南美国商会的会员迅速行动,到
well as teachers and administrators of international 2020年2月中旬已捐献了3800万美元的现金和价值
schools back to China. Our challenge was getting 105万美元的物资,用于援助湖北武汉及其它需要帮
people back to work, and we succeeded. Although 助的地区。
we were all hurting, AmCham South China also was
able to raise millions of dollars in cash and supplies 2020年新冠疫情对经济造成百年一遇的冲击,
for those in need for we understand that doing what 产生了深远广泛的影响。若以产出总量衡量,全球经
is best for our community is good for our businesses. 济 正 逐 渐 从 衰 退 中 复 苏 。全 球 7 7 亿 人 中,也 许 没 几
Ultimately, our success depends on the hard 2021年的经济复苏。但新冠疫情带来的其它影响将
work and contributions of our membership. At the 决定未来数年的全球增长趋势。有些影响早已显现。
onset of COVID-19 AmCham South China members 机器人将进一步取代工厂和服务岗位,白领们会更
were quick to jump into action and by mid-February,
2020 had already donated US$38 million in cash and
1.05 million US dollars in-kind to aid Wuhan, Hubei,
and other areas in need.
Economic shocks like the coronavirus pandemic
of 2020 only arrive once every few generations, and
they bring about permanent and far-reaching change.
Measured by output, the world economy is well on the
way to recovery from a slump the likes of which barely