Page 9 - 2020 Policy Watch-Brief Analysis on Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-Invested Enterprises
P. 9
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

H3.aMndolrienSgpCeocimficplRaiunltess on 三、投诉工作规则更加明确

The new Measures for Complaints specify details of ma- 新的《投诉办法》详细规定投诉材料应当包括的
terials that shall be included in a complaint10. If the 内容10,投诉材料不齐全的,应当在7个工作日
materials are incomplete, a one-time written notice 内一次性书面通知并给予15个工作日的补正宽限
shall be issued within 7 working days and a period of 期11、投诉处理期限、对投诉异议的救济方法等
15 working days shall be seen for procedural matters 程序性事项。《投诉办法》还规定了委托投诉
including corrections11, duration on handling com- 12。而原有的《暂行办法》仅简单规定了投诉受
plaints, relief and remedy in case of objection against 理的条件13,详细要求的材料都是由各单位自己
the complaint. The Measures for Complaints also pro- 决定的,没有规定补正期限,也没有规定委托投
vide an authorized complaint12. However, the original 诉情况。
Interim Measures simply set out the conditions for the
review and acceptance of complaints13, while the de- 新的《投诉办法》规定涉及部门多,情况复杂的
tailed required materials were determined by the de- 投诉事项,可以适当延长处理期限14。但是,其
partments at their discretions, and neither period of 并未规定经投诉工作机构负责人同意处理期限可
correction nor the condition of the authorized com- 延长多少个工作日,这不利于投诉处理效率的提
plaints was provided. 升,可能造成投诉处理的拖延。
The new Measures for Complaints states that for com-
plaints involving multiple departments or complicated
matters, the time limits can be extended as appropri-
ate14. However, it does not provide the specific working
days that can be granted for extension agreed by the
person in charge of the organizations for complaints.
This can be adverse to improv efficiency of handling
complaints, and it may cause delay for complaint pro-

10 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested 10 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第十一条
Enterprises, Article 11 11 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第十三条
11 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested 12 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第十二条
Enterprises, Article 13 13 《外商投资企业投诉工作暂行办法》第八条
12 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested 14 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第十九条
Enterprises, Article 12
13 Interim Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign- 9
invested Enterprises, Article 8
14 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested
Enterprises, Article 19
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