Page 8 - 2020 Policy Watch-Brief Analysis on Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-Invested Enterprises
P. 8
icy Watch: Brief Analysis on Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-Invested Enterprises

H2.aAnddjluinstgmCeonmtspolnainAtgsencies for 二、投诉工作机构发生调整

In addition to the National Center for Complaints 除了根据原有的《暂行办法》设立的全国外商投
of Foreign-invested Enterprises and the departments 资企业投诉中心和地方各级政府指定的投诉受理
for handling complaints designated by local govern- 部门6外,新的《投诉办法》在中央层面上新增
ments at all levels6, established in accordance with the 了“外商投资企业投诉工作部际联席会议制度
original Interim Measures, a “joint meeting system for 7” (以下简称“联席会议”)。该联席会议是
complaints of foreign-invested enterprises” (herein- 由商务部会同国务院有关部门共同建立,主要是
after, the “Joint Meeting”) 7 at the central level has 协调、推动中央层面的外商投资企业投诉工作,
been added to the new Measures for Complaints. The 指导和监督地方的投诉工作。该联席会议办公室
Joint Meeting is established by the Ministry of Com- 设在商务部外国投资管理司中。
merce in cooperation with the relevant departments
under the State Council, primarily, to coordinate and 但是,全国外商投资企业投诉中心受理的范围缩
promote on handling complaints of foreign-invested 小了。根据原有的《暂行办法》规定,全国外商
enterprises at the central level, and to guide and super- 投资企业投诉中心负责受理外商投资企业直接投
vise on the local complaints. The Joint Meeting Office 诉至全国外商投资企业投诉中心的事项以及跨省
is set up in the Department of Foreign Investment Ad- 市外商投资企业投诉事项和影响重大的外商投资
ministration of the Ministry of Commerce. 企业投诉事项8。但是新的《投诉办法》规定全
However, the National Complaints Center for For- 国外商投资企业投诉中心负责受理涉及国务院有
eign-invested Enterprises will handle complaints sub- 关部门和省级政府的行政行为以及对国务院有关
ject to a smaller scope. In accordance with the original 部门和省级政府的建议和全国范围内或者国际上
Interim Measures, the National Complaint Center for 有重大影响9。
Foreign-invested Enterprises was responsible for re-
viewing complaints directly from foreign-invested en-
terprises, as well as from foreign-invested enterprises
across provinces and cities, and foreign-invested en-
terprises with significant influence8. However, the new
Measures for Complaints state that the National Com-
plaint Center for Foreign-invested Enterprises can
only be responsible for reviewing complaints involv-
ing administrative actions by the relevant departments
of the State Council and provincial governments, and
suggestions on the relevant departments and provin-
cial governments of the State Council, or with all com-
plaints significant national or international influence9.

6 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested 6 《外商投资企业投诉工作暂行办法》第五条第一款
Enterprises, Article 5 (2) 7 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第五条第二款
7 Interim Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign- 8 《外商投资企业投诉工作暂行办法》第五条第一款
invested Enterprises, Article 5 (1) 9 《外商投资企业投诉工作办法》第六条
8 Interim Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-
invested Enterprises, Article 5 (1)
9 Measures for Handling Complaints of Foreign-invested
Enterprises, Article 6

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