Page 13 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 13
Takeaways 关键要点
When we began to conduct this study last 问卷派发期间(2019年10月28日至12月15
October, the United States and China 日),适逢美中两国进行具有实质性的第
were involved in intense negotiations for the first 一阶段协议谈判,至问卷回收结束日(2019年12月
phase of the trade agreement; a preliminary deal 15日),美中双方已就第一阶段经贸协议文本达成一
was announced by both countries on December 致。因此,为了进一步了解美中两国第一阶段经贸协
13, 2019, two days before we closed our data col- 议对企业的影响,从2019年12月23日至2020年1月
lection and began data analysis. In order to deter- 6日期间,我们就其中一些关键问题对已提交有效问
mine the announcement’s impact on the compa- 卷的企业再次进行回访,随后再重新整理及分析所
nies participating in our study, we reached out to a 有的数据。
large sampling of participants between December
23, 2019 to January 6, 2020. 自2018年,美中关系跌宕起伏,众多商会成员均
While the bilateral relations between the Unit- 评估贸易关税对商会会员的冲击,第一次出版了《美
ed State and China has gone through many ups 中贸易关税的影响特别报告》;此后,美商会持续跟
and downs since 2018, many AmCham South Chi- 踪贸易纷争对会员在华营运的影响,本年度的特别
na members have withstood the impact to various 报告也不例外。
degrees. To evaluate the impact of combined tar-
iffs on our members, our first study of the subject, 本报告的关键要点如下:
the Special Report on the Impact of US and Chi-
nese Tariffs was published in October 2018; since “立足中国,服务中国”依然是绝大多数在华营
then we have continued to track the impact on 运企业的首要策略。
companies with established operations in China in
varying ways, and this report is another in a series 约两成受访企业在2019年缩减了雇员,但大部
of studies to come. 分受访企业对2020年扩展人员颇有信心。
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 大部分企业的在华营收及盈利情况相对稳定。虽
·“In China, for China” is still the primary 情况比其他企业要好。对于未实现盈利的企业,其预
strategy for most companies operating in China. 计实现盈利的时间比以往的企业要长。
·Although approximately one fifth of studied 企业的乐观情绪较往年所有减弱。受访的美资企
companies reduced their employee headcount to 业对其市场增长期望偏低,而提供消费品及服务的
various degrees in 2019, most of the respondents 受访企业对中国市场增长前景普遍看好。
seemed to be confident in increasing headcounts
in 2020. 中国作为全球第一投资目的地略有下降,但仍然
·Relatively stable revenue, profitability, and 为制造业生产基地的吸引力在下降。
return on investments in China were reported by
most of the studied companies. While more US 2019年企业在华再投资同比增长稳健 。受访
companies witnessed decline in revenues from 企业在2019年基本如期落实了低于5000万美元的
China than their counterparts, their profitability 中低额度的再投资。虽然美资企业对中国市场增长
was better than the others. For those not yet 前景期望不高,但仍有四分之一的美资受访企业再
profitable, the estimated length of time for reaching 2019年实现了超过5000万美元以上的高额再投资。
profitability was longer than previous studies.
·Declining optimism about China’s market
prospects can be easily found in this year’s
research. While US companies shared relatively low
expectations about their business outlook in China,
those providing consumption products and services
showed rising optimism in China’s market growth.
When we began to conduct this study last 问卷派发期间(2019年10月28日至12月15
October, the United States and China 日),适逢美中两国进行具有实质性的第
were involved in intense negotiations for the first 一阶段协议谈判,至问卷回收结束日(2019年12月
phase of the trade agreement; a preliminary deal 15日),美中双方已就第一阶段经贸协议文本达成一
was announced by both countries on December 致。因此,为了进一步了解美中两国第一阶段经贸协
13, 2019, two days before we closed our data col- 议对企业的影响,从2019年12月23日至2020年1月
lection and began data analysis. In order to deter- 6日期间,我们就其中一些关键问题对已提交有效问
mine the announcement’s impact on the compa- 卷的企业再次进行回访,随后再重新整理及分析所
nies participating in our study, we reached out to a 有的数据。
large sampling of participants between December
23, 2019 to January 6, 2020. 自2018年,美中关系跌宕起伏,众多商会成员均
While the bilateral relations between the Unit- 评估贸易关税对商会会员的冲击,第一次出版了《美
ed State and China has gone through many ups 中贸易关税的影响特别报告》;此后,美商会持续跟
and downs since 2018, many AmCham South Chi- 踪贸易纷争对会员在华营运的影响,本年度的特别
na members have withstood the impact to various 报告也不例外。
degrees. To evaluate the impact of combined tar-
iffs on our members, our first study of the subject, 本报告的关键要点如下:
the Special Report on the Impact of US and Chi-
nese Tariffs was published in October 2018; since “立足中国,服务中国”依然是绝大多数在华营
then we have continued to track the impact on 运企业的首要策略。
companies with established operations in China in
varying ways, and this report is another in a series 约两成受访企业在2019年缩减了雇员,但大部
of studies to come. 分受访企业对2020年扩展人员颇有信心。
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 大部分企业的在华营收及盈利情况相对稳定。虽
·“In China, for China” is still the primary 情况比其他企业要好。对于未实现盈利的企业,其预
strategy for most companies operating in China. 计实现盈利的时间比以往的企业要长。
·Although approximately one fifth of studied 企业的乐观情绪较往年所有减弱。受访的美资企
companies reduced their employee headcount to 业对其市场增长期望偏低,而提供消费品及服务的
various degrees in 2019, most of the respondents 受访企业对中国市场增长前景普遍看好。
seemed to be confident in increasing headcounts
in 2020. 中国作为全球第一投资目的地略有下降,但仍然
·Relatively stable revenue, profitability, and 为制造业生产基地的吸引力在下降。
return on investments in China were reported by
most of the studied companies. While more US 2019年企业在华再投资同比增长稳健 。受访
companies witnessed decline in revenues from 企业在2019年基本如期落实了低于5000万美元的
China than their counterparts, their profitability 中低额度的再投资。虽然美资企业对中国市场增长
was better than the others. For those not yet 前景期望不高,但仍有四分之一的美资受访企业再
profitable, the estimated length of time for reaching 2019年实现了超过5000万美元以上的高额再投资。
profitability was longer than previous studies.
·Declining optimism about China’s market
prospects can be easily found in this year’s
research. While US companies shared relatively low
expectations about their business outlook in China,
those providing consumption products and services
showed rising optimism in China’s market growth.