Page 9 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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kind to aid Wuhan, Hubei, and other areas in need 美国已经有十多人死于这种病毒。意大利和韩国等其
by mid-February. As a foreign non-profit, non-partisan 他国家的情况更严峻。国际社会必须齐心协力,不仅
business organization with long-term dedication to 在中国有需之时帮助中国,而且还要加强自身的准
the public welfare, AmCham South China is continuing 备。去年12月在华中地区出现的这种病毒已经在全
to make an all-out effort by calling on members and 球范围内感染了超过10万人,造成了多人死亡,其中
individuals to donate funds and supplies to help 绝大多数是在中国。世界的领导人需要做得更好。对
contain the virus outbreak, especially medical supplies 大多数美国人来说,2003年的严重急性呼吸系统综
and protective items, including face masks, protective 合征(SARS)不过是一个模糊的记忆。2003年以来,
caps, suits, goggles and disposable latex gloves. Our 全球经济发生了变化。中国目前占全球GDP的16%,
members have been working hand in hand with our 高于当时的4%。它是世界第二大进口国。任何的弱
Chinese counterparts to fight this outbreak. 点,尽管是暂时的,都能在全球范围感觉到。2000年
China has a strong public health system, but this 了全球供应链的一环,这一供应链的复杂程度超乎想
is now more than just a China problem. WHO has 象。位于武汉的工厂可能向广州的公司提供零部件,
called the virus a threat to global health. America has 而广州的公司反过来又向世界其他地方的工厂提供
already seen over a dozen deaths caused by the virus. 零部件,最终产品在密歇根州卖出。生产要求准时,几
Other countries such as Italy and South Korea have 乎没有任何延误的余地。许多公司无法追踪其全部供
seen far more. The international community must 应商,因此很难预测中国停工对其产能的影响,更不
come together to not only help China in its time of 用说对全球GDP的影响了。
need but to also intensify its own preparedness. The
virus that emerged in central China in December has 长久以来,世界一直在恐慌与忽视中循环往复。
infected over 100,000 people globally and has killed 我们赞同联合国卫生署总干事特德罗•阿达诺姆•
far too many people, the vast majority in China. 盖布雷耶苏斯(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)的
World leaders need to do better. The severe 又很快忘记,不采取任何措施来阻止下一次疫情爆
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) of 2003 is nothing 发”。新型冠状病毒已经引发人们密切关注发生全球
more than a vague memory for most Americans. 卫生危机的可能性,但全球意识依然不足,疫情面前,
The global economy has changed since 2003. China 我们都很脆弱。如果全球政策制定者不采取行动,我
now accounts for 16 percent of global GDP, up from 们将继续面临类似事件带来的生命风险。
4 percent back then. And it is the world’s second-
biggest importer. Any weakness, however temporary, 病毒感染造成的人员死亡并非目前唯一的重大
is felt far and wide. The economy has not just grown 问题。越来越清晰的情况表明,即便中国在遏制疫情
since 2000, the country’s manufacturers have also 方面取得了重大进展,重启中国这一全球最大制造国
become entangled in supply chains of mind-boggling 及全球贸易巨头仍将困难重重。我很自豪地说,我们
complexity. A factory in Wuhan may provide parts to 商会的工作人员和会员企业一直在努力尽职尽责。疫
a firm in Guangzhou, which in turn supplies a factory 情期间,华南美国商会的员工通过电话联系了所有
somewhere else in the world, with the final product 会员企业,并在2月底发布了《关于新型冠状病毒CO-
emerging in Michigan. Just-in-time production leaves VID-19爆发影响的特别报告》。另外,根据我们3月6
little room for delays. Many firms cannot trace all 日对会员企业的调查,95%的企业和93%的工厂都在
their suppliers, making it hard to predict the impact 运营。大约80-85%的工作人员已经返回工作岗位。许
of work stoppages in China on their output, let alone 多企业都在加班,在办公楼设有办公室的公司也严进
on global GDP. 错峰来管理人员流动。商会目前正在向企业会员进行
For too long the world has operated on a cycle 底,从商会向有关政府部门转告之时起24小时以内,
of panic and neglect. We echo the UN health agency’s 会员企业向商会反映的困难百分十百得到了解决。在
director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: “We 2019年最后一个季度,随着消费者在消费时更加谨
throw money at an outbreak, and when it’s over we 慎,也因为消费者开始感受到疫情在中国爆发所带来
forget about it and do nothing to prevent the next 的影响,全球大部分地区都出现经济增长放缓,地区
one.” The Novel Coronavirus is drawing much-needed 经济疲软脆弱的现象。目前,情况很明显,一切照旧,
attention to the possibility of a global health crisis.
Awareness, however, is not enough. The status quo
has made us all vulnerable. Lives will continue to be at
risk to similar occurrences without more action from
policymakers from across the planet.

The human toll of the virus is not the only major
problem at hand. It is becoming increasingly clear that
restarting China, the world’s largest manufacturer
and a giant of global trade, will be difficult even as the
country makes major strides to contain the outbreak.
I’m proud to say our staff and members are doing their
part. We contacted all of our members by telephone

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