Page 14 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 14
·Still, China has been considered one of the 2019年将投资转移到其他市场的受访企业比例
top three investment destination in the world by 同比相差不大,但受访企业2020年在华再投资意愿
more than a half of studied companies, even though 同比略有降低,大部分再投资集中在100万美元以
its attractiveness as top one global investment 下。值得指出的是,美资企业在华再投资意愿比其他
destination and manufacturing base has been 企业更低。
somewhat decreased.
·Steady year-on-year growth of reinvestment 州仍为首选投资目的地,但近年来华南地区自贸区
in China was found in 2019. Surveyed companies 的吸引力在不断减弱。
with low-and-medium budget of less than US$50
million in 2019 realized their reinvestment in China 华南地区的营商环境呈现平稳缓慢上升的态势,
as planned. Even though the US companies held 激烈的本地竞争及成本上升依旧是受访企业在华南
declining optimism towards their business outlook 地区面临的重大挑战。
in China, more than one fourth of them reinvested
more than US$50 million in 2019. 受访企业普遍对《大湾区行动计划》看好,但认
·The number of studied companies who shifted 有减少。
some of their reinvestment in 2019 was almost the
same as 2018, but the respondents’ willingness to 受访企业对美中两国贸易关系不乐观,即使是美
reinvest in China in the upcoming year dropped 中贸易第一阶段达成后,绝大部分受访企业依然认
slightly in contrast to the previous year, with most of 为美中贸易争端仍会在2020年扩大。在过去的争端
them reporting reinvestment from profits of less than 中,相比中资企业,更多美资企业称其受损更严重,
US$10 million. What is also worth mentioning is that 尤其表现在市场份额的丢失上。
US companies were more reluctant to reinvest in China
than any other companies.

·Nevertheless, willingness of reinvestment in
China is expected to remain strong in the next three
years. While Guangzhou has been rated as the top
spot of reinvestment destination in the last three years,
attractiveness of free trade zones in South China has
been decreased.

·Business environment in South China showed a
steady but slow rising trend, with fierce local competition
and rising operating costs as constant challenge for
surveyed companies operating in South China.

·Most of the studied companies were optimistic
about the Greater Bay Area Action Plan, however there
was a slight reduce in surveyed companies considering
Ten Measures for Attracting Foreign Investment and
intellectual property court useful.

·Optimism towards US-China trade relations
was not marked in this research. Even after the
first phrase of Trade Agreement was reached, an
overwhelming majority believed the dispute was
likely to escalate in 2020. Compare with their Chinese
counterpart, more US companies reported that they
had been hurt in the trade tension, particularly
reflected in their lost market share.

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