Page 8 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 8
President’s Message 会长致辞
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
The data involved in this 本书,即《2020年华南地区经济情况特别报告》
2020 Special Report on the State 所涉及的数据未受最近令人困惑的事件和各种政府
of Business in South China is 行为的影响,因为本报告旨在只含新型冠状病毒爆
untainted by the recent confusing 发前以及中国为保护本国人民和他国人民而采取的
events and various governmental 措施以前汇编和分析的数据。虽然现在确定病毒对
actions as it intentionally only 中国和世界经济的总体影响还为时尚早,但我们已
includes data compiled and analyzed prior to 经进行了两项后续研究,并计划在未来疫情烟消云
the onset of the Novel Coronavirus outbreak and 散、生机重现时进行全面研究。我们这样做,因为我
measures taken by China to protect its people and 们相信《2020年华南地区经济情况特别报告》准确地
those of other countries. While it is entirely too early 评估了企业一旦恢复业务将采取什么措施。请访问
to determine the total impact of the virus on China 华南美国商会网站
and world economy, we have already conducted 免费获取这几项研究的完整报告。
two follow-up studies and plan to conduct a
comprehensive study at some point in the future 虽然中国政府持续加大疫情抗击力度,以开放有
when the cloud has cleared and life is back. We have 效的方式遏制病毒传染,但疫情发展方向仍难以预
done so as we believe this 2020 Special Report on the 测。1月23日,中国政府封停了大部分进入疫情中心
State of Business in South China accurately assesses 城市武汉的通道,封城涉及人口总数达6000万人,这
what businesses will do once they are back to 是迄今为止实施范围最广的传染病抗击措施。全国
business. Please visit 范围内,餐饮店铺、商场及其他企业被勒令停业。世
to access additional studies free of charge, as they 界卫生组织(WHO)对中国为防止病毒在境外广泛传
become available. 播而作出的努力表示赞扬。中国的预防措施在很大
The Chinese government continuously stepped 赢得了时间。国际专家组与中国同行密切合作,以了
up its efforts to curtail the virus in an open and 解疫情状况并尽最大可能减少新增病例。
productive way, but it was impossible to predict
which direction this epidemic would take. China’s 根据今年的《特别报告》,华南地区的美国公司受
government suspended most access to Wuhan, the 病毒爆发及政府措施的影响较小。十余年来,华南美
city at the center of the outbreak on Jan. 23. Restrictions 国商会一直与会员企业一同为防范类似局势制定应
expanded to cities with a total of 60 million people in 对计划。2006年以来,我们一直鼓励各公司制定应对
the broadest anti-disease measures ever imposed. 病毒爆发的战略,毕竟,病毒爆发只是迟早的问题。
Restaurants, shops and other businesses nationwide 也正因有此规划,华南美国商会会员企业才能在2月
were ordered to close. World Health Organization 中旬前捐赠3800万美元现金和价值105万美元的物
(WHO) officials have expressed their encouragement 资援助武汉、湖北等疫情严重地区。作为长期致力于
concerning the steps China has taken to prevent 公益事业的无党派、非盈利性商业组织,华南美国商
widespread transmission outside its borders. The 会将继续全力以赴,呼吁商会会员企业和个人捐赠
country’s precautions for the most part contained the 资金及物资帮助抗击疫情,特别是捐赠医疗物资和
outbreak at its source and appeared to have bought 防护用品,包括口罩,防护帽、防护服、护目镜和一次
the world time. International teams of experts worked 性乳胶手套等。华南美国商会会员企业会一直与中
closely with their Chinese counterparts to understand 国同行携手并肩,共同抗击此次疫情。
the outbreak and to minimize the transmission of
new cases. 中国有一个强大的公共卫生体系,但现在这不仅
According to this year’s Special Report, American
companies in South China have been less affected
by the virus outbreak and decisions made by the
government to contain it. Our Chamber has been
working with our members to develop plans to defend
against such situations for well over a decade. Since
2006, I have encouraged our companies to develop
strategies against viral outbreaks as it was always “not
a question of if but when” a virus would strike. This
planning is also the reason why with encouragement
from AmCham South China its members donated 38
million US dollars in cash and 1.05 million US dollars
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
The data involved in this 本书,即《2020年华南地区经济情况特别报告》
2020 Special Report on the State 所涉及的数据未受最近令人困惑的事件和各种政府
of Business in South China is 行为的影响,因为本报告旨在只含新型冠状病毒爆
untainted by the recent confusing 发前以及中国为保护本国人民和他国人民而采取的
events and various governmental 措施以前汇编和分析的数据。虽然现在确定病毒对
actions as it intentionally only 中国和世界经济的总体影响还为时尚早,但我们已
includes data compiled and analyzed prior to 经进行了两项后续研究,并计划在未来疫情烟消云
the onset of the Novel Coronavirus outbreak and 散、生机重现时进行全面研究。我们这样做,因为我
measures taken by China to protect its people and 们相信《2020年华南地区经济情况特别报告》准确地
those of other countries. While it is entirely too early 评估了企业一旦恢复业务将采取什么措施。请访问
to determine the total impact of the virus on China 华南美国商会网站
and world economy, we have already conducted 免费获取这几项研究的完整报告。
two follow-up studies and plan to conduct a
comprehensive study at some point in the future 虽然中国政府持续加大疫情抗击力度,以开放有
when the cloud has cleared and life is back. We have 效的方式遏制病毒传染,但疫情发展方向仍难以预
done so as we believe this 2020 Special Report on the 测。1月23日,中国政府封停了大部分进入疫情中心
State of Business in South China accurately assesses 城市武汉的通道,封城涉及人口总数达6000万人,这
what businesses will do once they are back to 是迄今为止实施范围最广的传染病抗击措施。全国
business. Please visit 范围内,餐饮店铺、商场及其他企业被勒令停业。世
to access additional studies free of charge, as they 界卫生组织(WHO)对中国为防止病毒在境外广泛传
become available. 播而作出的努力表示赞扬。中国的预防措施在很大
The Chinese government continuously stepped 赢得了时间。国际专家组与中国同行密切合作,以了
up its efforts to curtail the virus in an open and 解疫情状况并尽最大可能减少新增病例。
productive way, but it was impossible to predict
which direction this epidemic would take. China’s 根据今年的《特别报告》,华南地区的美国公司受
government suspended most access to Wuhan, the 病毒爆发及政府措施的影响较小。十余年来,华南美
city at the center of the outbreak on Jan. 23. Restrictions 国商会一直与会员企业一同为防范类似局势制定应
expanded to cities with a total of 60 million people in 对计划。2006年以来,我们一直鼓励各公司制定应对
the broadest anti-disease measures ever imposed. 病毒爆发的战略,毕竟,病毒爆发只是迟早的问题。
Restaurants, shops and other businesses nationwide 也正因有此规划,华南美国商会会员企业才能在2月
were ordered to close. World Health Organization 中旬前捐赠3800万美元现金和价值105万美元的物
(WHO) officials have expressed their encouragement 资援助武汉、湖北等疫情严重地区。作为长期致力于
concerning the steps China has taken to prevent 公益事业的无党派、非盈利性商业组织,华南美国商
widespread transmission outside its borders. The 会将继续全力以赴,呼吁商会会员企业和个人捐赠
country’s precautions for the most part contained the 资金及物资帮助抗击疫情,特别是捐赠医疗物资和
outbreak at its source and appeared to have bought 防护用品,包括口罩,防护帽、防护服、护目镜和一次
the world time. International teams of experts worked 性乳胶手套等。华南美国商会会员企业会一直与中
closely with their Chinese counterparts to understand 国同行携手并肩,共同抗击此次疫情。
the outbreak and to minimize the transmission of
new cases. 中国有一个强大的公共卫生体系,但现在这不仅
According to this year’s Special Report, American
companies in South China have been less affected
by the virus outbreak and decisions made by the
government to contain it. Our Chamber has been
working with our members to develop plans to defend
against such situations for well over a decade. Since
2006, I have encouraged our companies to develop
strategies against viral outbreaks as it was always “not
a question of if but when” a virus would strike. This
planning is also the reason why with encouragement
from AmCham South China its members donated 38
million US dollars in cash and 1.05 million US dollars