Page 196 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 196
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Electricity generated by clean energy resources in Wind Power
China is expected to gradually increase over the next few
years, powered by innovative government policies and The Chinese government actually stopped the
measures. “China has launched a series of programs for expansion of wind power in its northern provinces where
the development of clean energy, effectively alleviating a large number of turbines were churning out power
the demand for thermal coal,” said Feng Haicheng, that was being wasted. According to Inside Climate
an analyst at Sublime China Information Group. The News, Chinese regulators said they were suspending the
country’s top economic regulator will accelerate the approval of new wind projects in the windswept regions
reform of the national electrical power system, together of Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Gansu, Ningxia and
with related government departments, and develop a Xinjiang.The six regions have installed nearly 71 gigawatts
priority plan for clean energy power generation, National of turbines, more than the rest of China combined. It was
Development and Reform Commission spokesman Yan the fourth time that the nation’s capital told the regions’
Pengcheng said. By the end of 2016, the installed power wind operators to slow down.The assessment emphasizes
capacity of renewable energy resources was 570 million growing concerns among energy analysts that China’s
kilowatts, accounting for 35 percent of the total power remarkable growth in renewable energy is bumping
generating capacity, statistics showed. “To solve the high up against the reality of grid constraints and shrinking
cost of wind power and hydropower generation, at the electricity demand. Solar panels and wind turbines were
start of the year (2017) China launched green power virtually nonexistent in China ten years ago, and now the
certificates, designed to encourage all the society to country leads the world in installing both. Wind power
be more involved in green electricity consumption,” installations, in particular, have exploded over the last five
Feng said. The certificates form a voluntary subscription years as part of the country’s ambitious push to combat
system for electricity generated from renewable energy. climate change and bring down dangerous levels of air
Companies and individuals with social responsibility pollution. Already the world’s wind energy giant, China
and the environmentally conscious ones can buy the installed an additional 33 gigawatts of wind turbines in
certificate to promote the use of clean energy. “After one 2015, more than half of new installations worldwide. Too
or two years of tests, the system is expected to replace much of that energy is literally being lost in the wind. In
the State’s subsidies policy,” she said. 2015 alone, 33.9 billion kilowatt-hours of wind-powered
electricity was wasted. That’s about how much three
China attaches great importance to developing million American households use in a year. The wind-
clean energy because it plays a crucial role in reforming generated electricity had no place to go because there’s
energy structure, maintaining energy security and no transmission infrastructure to carry the power to
building an ecological civilization, President Xi Jinping population centers. In other cases, developers couldn’t
said in a letter to the opening ceremony of the eighth compete with coal for contracts to connect to the grid.
Clean Energy Ministerial and the second Mission The National Energy Administration said, “Unless we take
Innovation Ministerial energy-related forums. He said tougher measures to cut waste, the rate of wasted wind
China is committed to the path of peaceful, open and power will continue to get worse.” Xie Guohui, an analyst
green development, and will continue to promote a at the State Grid Energy Research Institute, an influential
green lifestyle, harmony between people and nature, think tank based in Beijing, said there is little prospect for
and cooperation with other nations to push for immediate improvement (Liu, Facing Grid).
sustainable development around the world. In 2016, 64
percent of China’s electricity was generated using fossil Government researchers were interested in whether
fuels. The biggest change has been wind power’s share differences in wind flow could account for some of
in generating electricity, which rose from 0.58 percent China’s problems, but they found these differences minor.
in 2007 to 9.03 percent in 2016. Nuclear energy also The findings suggested the primary challenges to wind
saw a slight rise, from 1.23 percent to 2.04 percent, the power in China involve lower turbine quality, delayed
National Bureau of Statistics said. China has also made connections to the grid, and grid operators failing to
great strides in green industries and technologies, transmit wind power to users in favor of other energy
especially in the cleaner use of coal (Zhang). sources, such as coal. The genesis of the chief problems
occurred between 2006 and 2010. During this time, local
governments could approve wind farms below a certain
size, and this often happened without much coordination
Electricity generated by clean energy resources in Wind Power
China is expected to gradually increase over the next few
years, powered by innovative government policies and The Chinese government actually stopped the
measures. “China has launched a series of programs for expansion of wind power in its northern provinces where
the development of clean energy, effectively alleviating a large number of turbines were churning out power
the demand for thermal coal,” said Feng Haicheng, that was being wasted. According to Inside Climate
an analyst at Sublime China Information Group. The News, Chinese regulators said they were suspending the
country’s top economic regulator will accelerate the approval of new wind projects in the windswept regions
reform of the national electrical power system, together of Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Gansu, Ningxia and
with related government departments, and develop a Xinjiang.The six regions have installed nearly 71 gigawatts
priority plan for clean energy power generation, National of turbines, more than the rest of China combined. It was
Development and Reform Commission spokesman Yan the fourth time that the nation’s capital told the regions’
Pengcheng said. By the end of 2016, the installed power wind operators to slow down.The assessment emphasizes
capacity of renewable energy resources was 570 million growing concerns among energy analysts that China’s
kilowatts, accounting for 35 percent of the total power remarkable growth in renewable energy is bumping
generating capacity, statistics showed. “To solve the high up against the reality of grid constraints and shrinking
cost of wind power and hydropower generation, at the electricity demand. Solar panels and wind turbines were
start of the year (2017) China launched green power virtually nonexistent in China ten years ago, and now the
certificates, designed to encourage all the society to country leads the world in installing both. Wind power
be more involved in green electricity consumption,” installations, in particular, have exploded over the last five
Feng said. The certificates form a voluntary subscription years as part of the country’s ambitious push to combat
system for electricity generated from renewable energy. climate change and bring down dangerous levels of air
Companies and individuals with social responsibility pollution. Already the world’s wind energy giant, China
and the environmentally conscious ones can buy the installed an additional 33 gigawatts of wind turbines in
certificate to promote the use of clean energy. “After one 2015, more than half of new installations worldwide. Too
or two years of tests, the system is expected to replace much of that energy is literally being lost in the wind. In
the State’s subsidies policy,” she said. 2015 alone, 33.9 billion kilowatt-hours of wind-powered
electricity was wasted. That’s about how much three
China attaches great importance to developing million American households use in a year. The wind-
clean energy because it plays a crucial role in reforming generated electricity had no place to go because there’s
energy structure, maintaining energy security and no transmission infrastructure to carry the power to
building an ecological civilization, President Xi Jinping population centers. In other cases, developers couldn’t
said in a letter to the opening ceremony of the eighth compete with coal for contracts to connect to the grid.
Clean Energy Ministerial and the second Mission The National Energy Administration said, “Unless we take
Innovation Ministerial energy-related forums. He said tougher measures to cut waste, the rate of wasted wind
China is committed to the path of peaceful, open and power will continue to get worse.” Xie Guohui, an analyst
green development, and will continue to promote a at the State Grid Energy Research Institute, an influential
green lifestyle, harmony between people and nature, think tank based in Beijing, said there is little prospect for
and cooperation with other nations to push for immediate improvement (Liu, Facing Grid).
sustainable development around the world. In 2016, 64
percent of China’s electricity was generated using fossil Government researchers were interested in whether
fuels. The biggest change has been wind power’s share differences in wind flow could account for some of
in generating electricity, which rose from 0.58 percent China’s problems, but they found these differences minor.
in 2007 to 9.03 percent in 2016. Nuclear energy also The findings suggested the primary challenges to wind
saw a slight rise, from 1.23 percent to 2.04 percent, the power in China involve lower turbine quality, delayed
National Bureau of Statistics said. China has also made connections to the grid, and grid operators failing to
great strides in green industries and technologies, transmit wind power to users in favor of other energy
especially in the cleaner use of coal (Zhang). sources, such as coal. The genesis of the chief problems
occurred between 2006 and 2010. During this time, local
governments could approve wind farms below a certain
size, and this often happened without much coordination