Page 122 - 2017 White Paper
P. 122
7 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
In the Draft, said Article is amended to: perform their duties pursuant to the law and may not
“Article 15: In investigating acts of unfair competition, refuse or impede the supervision and inspection”.
the supervision and inspection authorities are entitled to
exercise the following functions and powers: This Article expands and clarifies the operators and the
· to enter the operating premises or other premises relevant personnel who are obligated to cooperate with
related to the acts under investigation for inspection; the investigation, thus providing stronger protection in
· to question the operators under suspicion, interested the practice of law enforcement.
parties or other related units or individuals and requiring
them to provide documentary evidence, data or (5) The Draft adds an additional Article 21 which reads,
technological support or other information related to “should operators violate the provisions of Article 8
acts of unfair competition; of this Law, the supervising and inspecting authorities
· to inquire and copy written agreements, books of shall order them to stop their illegal acts, and impose a
account, receipts, bills, vouchers, invoices, documents, fine on them that is more than three times their illegal
records, business correspondence, electronic data, business revenue and less than five times of it; if there
audio-visual materials and other materials related to the is no illegal business revenue or the illegal business
acts under investigation; and revenue is unable to be calculated, impose a fine more
· to order the operators under investigation to than 100,000 yuan and less than one million yuan
temporarily stop the acts suspected of being illegal, to according to the circumstances; if the circumstance is
explain the source and quantity of the properties related severe, the authorities may revoke the business licenses
to the acts under investigation and not to remove, of said operators; if the illegal activities constitute a crime,
conceal or destroy these goods; criminal responsibilities shall be investigated pursuant to
· to seal up or attaching the properties of the acts law”.
suspected of involving unfair competition;
· to inquire of the bank accounts of operators suspected Compared with the current law, this Article supersedes
of being involved in acts of unfair competition and the “illegal gains” with “illegal business revenue” as the basis
accounting vouchers, books of accounts, statements of of punishment, and provides punishment for a situation
accounts, etc. related to deposits; or where illegal operating revenue cannot be calculated,
· to apply to the judicial authorities to freeze illegal strengthening operability and reflecting the principle of
funds if there is evidence that proves acts of transferring suitable punishment for wrongdoing.
or concealing illegal funds”.
(6) The Draft adds an additional Article 30, which
This Article intensifies the authority of the supervising reads, “for an investigation conducted by the supervision
authorities’ power to investigate and collect evidence, and inspection department according to law, unless
administrates compulsory measures, and refines the the operator refuses to provide relevant materials or
procedures of investigation. information with a legitimate cause, or provides false
materials or information; transfers, conceals or destroys
(4) Article 19 of the current law reads that, the evidence, or engages in other acts that reject or
“when the supervising and inspecting authorities are impede the investigation, the supervision and inspection
supervising and inspecting acts of unfair competition, department shall order it to make rectification, and
the operators under inspection, interested parties and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more
witnesses shall truthfully provide them with relevant data than 200,000 yuan”.
or information”.
This Article provides a correspondent penalty for
In the Draft, the above Article is amended to: operators and their relevant personnel who refuse
“Article 16: When the supervising and inspecting to perform their obligations of cooperating with the
authorities are investigating acts of unfair competition, investigators specified in Article 16 of the Draft.
the operators under inspection, interested parties or
other relevant units of individuals shall truthfully provide
them with relevant data or information and cooperate
with the supervising and inspecting authorities to
In the Draft, said Article is amended to: perform their duties pursuant to the law and may not
“Article 15: In investigating acts of unfair competition, refuse or impede the supervision and inspection”.
the supervision and inspection authorities are entitled to
exercise the following functions and powers: This Article expands and clarifies the operators and the
· to enter the operating premises or other premises relevant personnel who are obligated to cooperate with
related to the acts under investigation for inspection; the investigation, thus providing stronger protection in
· to question the operators under suspicion, interested the practice of law enforcement.
parties or other related units or individuals and requiring
them to provide documentary evidence, data or (5) The Draft adds an additional Article 21 which reads,
technological support or other information related to “should operators violate the provisions of Article 8
acts of unfair competition; of this Law, the supervising and inspecting authorities
· to inquire and copy written agreements, books of shall order them to stop their illegal acts, and impose a
account, receipts, bills, vouchers, invoices, documents, fine on them that is more than three times their illegal
records, business correspondence, electronic data, business revenue and less than five times of it; if there
audio-visual materials and other materials related to the is no illegal business revenue or the illegal business
acts under investigation; and revenue is unable to be calculated, impose a fine more
· to order the operators under investigation to than 100,000 yuan and less than one million yuan
temporarily stop the acts suspected of being illegal, to according to the circumstances; if the circumstance is
explain the source and quantity of the properties related severe, the authorities may revoke the business licenses
to the acts under investigation and not to remove, of said operators; if the illegal activities constitute a crime,
conceal or destroy these goods; criminal responsibilities shall be investigated pursuant to
· to seal up or attaching the properties of the acts law”.
suspected of involving unfair competition;
· to inquire of the bank accounts of operators suspected Compared with the current law, this Article supersedes
of being involved in acts of unfair competition and the “illegal gains” with “illegal business revenue” as the basis
accounting vouchers, books of accounts, statements of of punishment, and provides punishment for a situation
accounts, etc. related to deposits; or where illegal operating revenue cannot be calculated,
· to apply to the judicial authorities to freeze illegal strengthening operability and reflecting the principle of
funds if there is evidence that proves acts of transferring suitable punishment for wrongdoing.
or concealing illegal funds”.
(6) The Draft adds an additional Article 30, which
This Article intensifies the authority of the supervising reads, “for an investigation conducted by the supervision
authorities’ power to investigate and collect evidence, and inspection department according to law, unless
administrates compulsory measures, and refines the the operator refuses to provide relevant materials or
procedures of investigation. information with a legitimate cause, or provides false
materials or information; transfers, conceals or destroys
(4) Article 19 of the current law reads that, the evidence, or engages in other acts that reject or
“when the supervising and inspecting authorities are impede the investigation, the supervision and inspection
supervising and inspecting acts of unfair competition, department shall order it to make rectification, and
the operators under inspection, interested parties and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more
witnesses shall truthfully provide them with relevant data than 200,000 yuan”.
or information”.
This Article provides a correspondent penalty for
In the Draft, the above Article is amended to: operators and their relevant personnel who refuse
“Article 16: When the supervising and inspecting to perform their obligations of cooperating with the
authorities are investigating acts of unfair competition, investigators specified in Article 16 of the Draft.
the operators under inspection, interested parties or
other relevant units of individuals shall truthfully provide
them with relevant data or information and cooperate
with the supervising and inspecting authorities to