Page 53 - 2017 Special Report
P. 53
au Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区

The Orient’s LasVegas Economy 东方的拉斯维加斯 2006年,在博彩业收入超越拉斯维加斯后,澳门成
A former Portuguese colony situated at the entrance As a free port (where goods are received and 澳门曾经是葡萄牙殖民地,位于珠江三角洲地区入 门博彩业收入平均年增长率达到29%,赌场收入提高至
to the Pearl River Delta only forty miles from Hong shipped free of customs duties), Macau is best known 口处,距离香港只有四十英里。澳门特别行政区 2332亿澳门币(290亿美元),远高于拉斯维加斯地区
Kong, Macau is the smaller of China’s two special admin- for its gambling industry and is the only place in China 面积相当小—只有香港面积的四十分之一,大约只有 的博彩收入(80亿美元)。但是,由于澳门经济过度依
istrative regions – at only 1/40th the size of Hong Kong, where gambling is legal. The majority of the population 五十万居民(比卢森堡多不了多少),共有赌场33家。 赖博彩业,中央政府一直要求澳门完善经济结构,促进
with approximately half a million residents (not many speaks Cantonese, but Portuguese remains an official 多元化发展。
more than Luxembourg) and a total of 33 casinos. language and English is widely used in trade, tourism 聚焦澳门历史
and commerce. Since the liberalization of its gaming 澳门最大的贸易伙伴是中国大陆、香港、日本、
Spotlight on Macau over Time sector in 2002, Macau’s economy has expanded rapidly 因为英国的统治和维多利亚深港的地理优势,香港 欧盟、台湾地区以及美国。澳门出口的商品有服装、纺
with significant investment in new hotels, casinos and 迅速成为举足轻重的贸易中心,而在葡萄牙统治之下的 织品、鞋类、玩具、电子产品、机械制品和零部件,进
Under British rule and with the deep port of Victoria convention facilities by developers from Hong Kong, 澳门就相形失色得多,其经济地位远远比不上香港。香 口商品包括原材料和半成品、消费品(粮食、饮料、烟
Harbor, Hong Kong quickly gained importance as a Australia, and the United States. 港相对于澳门拥有无可比拟的优越商业地位,唯一的例 草)、资本产品、矿物燃料和石油。
major trade center, overshadowing the commercial 外是在第二次世界大战期间,其时日本占领了广东和香
importance of Portuguese-ruled Macau. The key The city now represents the world’s largest gaming 港,澳门是华南地区唯一的一个中立港口,因此澳门有 由于经营成本不断上升,澳门地区不再适合劳动密
exception to Hong Kong’s commercial superiority over capital, having surpassed Las Vegas in 2006. Macau’s 过短暂的经济繁荣。1943-1945年,日本人在澳门创 集型产业发展,预计纺织品和服装出口在未来将会进一
Macau was during World War II when Macau experienced gambling revenues grew by an average of 29 percent a 立伪摄政政权,控制了澳门事务。 步萎缩。但是,澳门地区作为世界博彩和旅游胜地仍然
brief economic prosperity as the only neutral port in year between 2008 and 2012. Casino revenue increased 继续蓬勃发展。澳门其他增长的行业包括金融、保险、
South China, after the Japanese occupied Canton and to 233.2 billion patacas (US$29 billion), much higher 1974年,葡萄牙政府承认所有海外殖民地独立, 建筑、房地产和制造业。澳门的博彩业对其生产总值的
Hong Kong. From 1943 to August 1945, Japan created a than the revenue of the Las Vegas Strip (US$8 billion). 承认澳门是中国领土的一部分。中国政府并没有马上接 贡献约为40%。
virtual protectorate over Macau, assuming control of its However, this over-reliance on the gaming industry 手管理澳门。1979年2月8日,葡萄牙政府承认澳门是
affairs. has made the Chinese central government prioritize 中国领土,为目前由葡萄牙管理的地区。 澳门的货币澳门币与港元建立了联系汇率,港元可
diversification of the region’s economy. 以在澳门自由使用。香港与澳门博彩业具有千丝万缕的
In 1974, the Portuguese government granted 1987年4月13日,中葡两国共同签订《关于澳门 联系。澳门六家具有博彩业专营牌照的公司中,其中澳
independence to all overseas colonies and recognized The region’s top trade partners are mainland China, 问题的联合声明》,同意澳门于1999年12月20日回归 门旅游娱乐有限公司(STDM)、澳门银河娱乐集团有
Macau as part of China’s territory. The Chinese Hong Kong, Japan, the EU, Taiwan and the United States. 中国统治,实行“一国两制”政策。就像香港特别行政 限公司、新濠博亚博彩股份有限公司与香港联系非常紧
government did not take over administration of The region’s exports include clothing, textiles, footwear, 区一样,中国政府承诺澳门特别行政区享有高度自治, 密。STDM旗下的澳门博彩控股有限公司(SJM)和澳
the territory until February 8, 1979, when China toys, electronics, machinery and parts; while imports 除了外交和国防事务之外,其他所有事务保持五十年 门银河,以及另外两家专营牌照持有者永利澳门有限公
acknowledged Macau as a Chinese territory under include raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, 不变。 司和澳门金沙娱乐场均在香港证券交易所上市。
Portuguese administration. consumer goods (foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco), capital
goods, mineral fuels and oils. 经济情况 澳门正在向拉斯维加斯赌城学习经验,逐渐转向
On April 13, 1987, “The Joint Declaration on the 经营利润丰厚的贸易会展行业,以此作为提高收益的另
Question of Macau” was signed between China and Due to Macau’s increasing operational costs, it is 澳门是一个自由港(商品进出口免关税),以博彩 一个方法。在博彩业收入超越拉斯维加斯之后,澳门正
Portugal to agree that Macau would revert to Chinese no longer suited for labor-intensive industries, and 业闻名,也是中国唯一一个博彩合法的地方。虽然澳门 在寻找方法让旅客在澳门停留更长时间,以扩大经济基
rule on December 20, 1999 also under the “One Country, accordingly, textile and garment exports are likely to 大部分人说粤语,但是葡萄牙语仍然是官方语言之一, 础。博彩业的收入已几近成为澳门的所有收益,而在拉
Two Systems” policy. As per the Hong Kong SAR, the shrink further in years to come. Yet the region continues 而英语在贸易、旅游和商业上广泛使用。自从2002年澳 斯维加斯,博彩业的收入仅仅占旅游相关产业收入的
Chinese government promised that the Macau SAR will to develop as one of the top gambling and tourist 门特区博彩业开始向外资开放后,大量港资、澳资、美 25%。这就意味着澳门的游客倾向于在澳门逗留一两
enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except destinations in the world. Growth areas include finance, 资陆续进入澳门投资建设酒店、赌场和会展设施,令澳 日,赌博完毕便离开。澳门希望能改变这种状况,投入
foreign and defense affairs for 50 years. insurance, construction, real estate and manufacturing. 门经济规模迅速扩大。 资金建设会展中心,大量增加酒店客房数量,希望利用
Macau’s gambling industry still accounts for an 利润丰富的贸易会展行业赚钱。
estimated 40 percent of its GDP.

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