Page 35 - 2017 Special Report
P. 35
Introduction to South China 华南地区简介
The term “South China” immediately brings to sold worldwide, offering both original equipment 说到 华 南 地 区 , 人 们 首 先 想 到 的 是 珠 江 三 角 洲 地 区 由于中国国内市场还在不断壮大,珠三角地区经济
mind the Pearl River Delta (PRD) - China’s manufacturing (OEM) and branded goods. The Shenzhen (珠三角或珠三角经济区)——中国的制造业中 仍然能够持续发展,但是生产力增长速度已经有所放
manufacturing center and beating “economic heart”. Stock Exchange is the national leader for high-tech 心,被誉为跳动的“经济心脏”。一般来说,珠江三角洲 缓,加上劳动力成本不断增加,很多劳动密集型产业
Broadly defined as including nine cities in southeast enterprises – China’s leading technology enterprises, 地区包括广东省东南部的九个城市(广州、深圳、东莞、 开始转移到其他国家,例如越南。此外,中国正在逐
Guangdong province (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, including Huawei, Tencent and ZTE, were all founded in 佛山、惠州、江门、肇庆、中山和珠海)。其中,广州 步改变增长模式,由制造大国向服务大国转型,珠三
Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Zhongshan and Shenzhen. (广东省省会)和深圳(中国首个及最成功的经济特区) 角地区尤其减少工业用地量,更加让许多投资者把目
Zhuhai), the PRD’s true centers are to be found in Guang- 是珠三角地区的两个中心城市。 光投向中国其他地区以及周边国家。
zhou (the provincial capital) and Shenzhen (China’s first Yet the PRD is a region in transition. In recent years,
and most successful special economic zone). low labor costs (once the major attraction of the region) 然而,如果认为珠三角地区仅包括这些广东城市, 尽管如此,在工业化、城镇化和市场化的不断推
have been increasing rapidly. Minimum labor costs 那就会抹煞香港和澳门(影响力次于香港)特别行政区对 动下,珠三角地区经济仍然充满活力。而政府(各级政
To think of the PRD only in terms of these cities, are one measure of this, with Shenzhen a particularly 珠三角地区经济发展的重要作用。事实上,毗邻港澳一 府)也正在致力于转变珠三角地区的经济结构。为实现
however, would be to ignore the instrumental role illuminating example. The city raised its minimum 直以来都是广东省各个城市的发展优势。2003年,内地 这一目标,一些地方政府实行更加严格的审批制度,
in economic development played by the special monthly wage by 222 yuan in March 2015 to 2030 yuan, 与香港、澳门特区政府分别签署了《关于建立更紧密经贸 例如提高最低注册资金门槛(有些地区甚至提高了十
administrative regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and, to a making it the highest nationwide at the time. Many 关系的安排》(CEPA),目标是逐步取消关税和贸易壁 倍),对总体投资或每平方米投入产出量提出更加严格
lesser extent, Macau, with which the cities of Guangdong other PRD cities raised their minimum wages during the 垒,逐步实现服务贸易自由化,促进广东的贸易和投资便 的要求。同时,在吸收投资金额较多的地区,政府往往
and Shenzhen have long leveraged their proximity. year as well, as illustrated in the table below. 利化。就这样,珠三角、香港和澳门开始被称为“大珠三 拒绝批准不符合资本密集、高附加值、对环境无害等要
The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements (CEPA) 角地区”。 求的投资项目,迫使投资者选择珠三角其他地区或内地
concluded in 2003 between Mainland China and Hong Region 2015 Monthly 2015 Hourly 省份投资。最后,在政府的大力支持下,珠三角地区的
Kong and Macau, respectively, have phased out tariffs and MinimumWage MinimumWage 广东省欠发达的偏远城镇(多数是山区)、毗邻的 研究与开发也日渐提升。这些趋势都表明,珠三角地区
trade barriers, liberalized trade in services, and boosted 福建省和广西壮族自治区以及南边的海南省也是华南地区 经济越来越成熟。
trade and investment in Guangdong. As such, the term (yuan) (yuan) 的组成部分。为了使大珠三角地区的联系更加紧密并增加
“Greater PRD” was coined to refer to the PRD, Hong Kong 该地区与周边地区的合作,政府制订了许多政策措施,以 劳动力成本的上涨与珠三角地区生产率的大幅下降
and Macau as a group. Shenzhen 2030 18.5 方便发展经济和完善基础设施。 相对,这主要促使了劳动密集型产业转移到成本较低廉
Guangzhou 1895 18.3 的地区,例如越南。使投资商离开这个地区的因素还包
The more remote, less developed (and often more Zhuhai* 1510 14.4 今日珠三角 括中国经济重心从制造业到服务业的转移,以及地区工
mountainous) towns of Guangdong province, along Dongguan 1510 14.4 业用地的减少。
with the neighboring provinces of Fujian, Hainan and Foshan 1510 14.4 珠江三角洲地区一直被认为是中国高科技产品制造
the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, are the final Zhongshan 1510 14.4 中心,深圳、广州、东莞、珠海、惠州是生产高科技产
pieces of the South China puzzle. A series of economic Jiangmen 1350 13.3 品的主要城市。珠三角地区直接或间接生产种类繁多的
and infrastructure-focused government policies have Huizhou 1350 13.3 科技产品销往全球各地,包括原始设备制造(OEM)
been designed to better connect the Greater PRD and to Zhaoqing 1350 13.3 和品牌产品—也就是广义上的加工贸易。深圳是全国高
improve its links to these adjoining regions. 科技产业的领头羊,汇聚了中国高科技龙头企业,例如
* Zhuhai independently sets minimum wages, with its monthly amount set 华为、腾讯和中兴通讯公司,其总部都在深圳。
The PRDToday at 1650 yuan and its hourly amount set at 15.8 yuan.
The PRD has long been considered the heart of high- 低廉的劳动力成本(曾经是该地区的主要吸引力)已经
tech China, with Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan 快速上涨。最低工资水平是其中一个衡量标准。以深圳
(as well as Zhuhai and Huizhou) considered centers for 市为例,深圳市最低月工资上调222元至2030元人民
the manufacture of consumer electronics and other 币,名列全国第一。同时,珠三角地区其他城市也于
high-tech products. The PRD hosts direct and indirect 2015年提高了最低月工资(见右表)。
production arrangements for a wide variety of goods
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The term “South China” immediately brings to sold worldwide, offering both original equipment 说到 华 南 地 区 , 人 们 首 先 想 到 的 是 珠 江 三 角 洲 地 区 由于中国国内市场还在不断壮大,珠三角地区经济
mind the Pearl River Delta (PRD) - China’s manufacturing (OEM) and branded goods. The Shenzhen (珠三角或珠三角经济区)——中国的制造业中 仍然能够持续发展,但是生产力增长速度已经有所放
manufacturing center and beating “economic heart”. Stock Exchange is the national leader for high-tech 心,被誉为跳动的“经济心脏”。一般来说,珠江三角洲 缓,加上劳动力成本不断增加,很多劳动密集型产业
Broadly defined as including nine cities in southeast enterprises – China’s leading technology enterprises, 地区包括广东省东南部的九个城市(广州、深圳、东莞、 开始转移到其他国家,例如越南。此外,中国正在逐
Guangdong province (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, including Huawei, Tencent and ZTE, were all founded in 佛山、惠州、江门、肇庆、中山和珠海)。其中,广州 步改变增长模式,由制造大国向服务大国转型,珠三
Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Zhongshan and Shenzhen. (广东省省会)和深圳(中国首个及最成功的经济特区) 角地区尤其减少工业用地量,更加让许多投资者把目
Zhuhai), the PRD’s true centers are to be found in Guang- 是珠三角地区的两个中心城市。 光投向中国其他地区以及周边国家。
zhou (the provincial capital) and Shenzhen (China’s first Yet the PRD is a region in transition. In recent years,
and most successful special economic zone). low labor costs (once the major attraction of the region) 然而,如果认为珠三角地区仅包括这些广东城市, 尽管如此,在工业化、城镇化和市场化的不断推
have been increasing rapidly. Minimum labor costs 那就会抹煞香港和澳门(影响力次于香港)特别行政区对 动下,珠三角地区经济仍然充满活力。而政府(各级政
To think of the PRD only in terms of these cities, are one measure of this, with Shenzhen a particularly 珠三角地区经济发展的重要作用。事实上,毗邻港澳一 府)也正在致力于转变珠三角地区的经济结构。为实现
however, would be to ignore the instrumental role illuminating example. The city raised its minimum 直以来都是广东省各个城市的发展优势。2003年,内地 这一目标,一些地方政府实行更加严格的审批制度,
in economic development played by the special monthly wage by 222 yuan in March 2015 to 2030 yuan, 与香港、澳门特区政府分别签署了《关于建立更紧密经贸 例如提高最低注册资金门槛(有些地区甚至提高了十
administrative regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and, to a making it the highest nationwide at the time. Many 关系的安排》(CEPA),目标是逐步取消关税和贸易壁 倍),对总体投资或每平方米投入产出量提出更加严格
lesser extent, Macau, with which the cities of Guangdong other PRD cities raised their minimum wages during the 垒,逐步实现服务贸易自由化,促进广东的贸易和投资便 的要求。同时,在吸收投资金额较多的地区,政府往往
and Shenzhen have long leveraged their proximity. year as well, as illustrated in the table below. 利化。就这样,珠三角、香港和澳门开始被称为“大珠三 拒绝批准不符合资本密集、高附加值、对环境无害等要
The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements (CEPA) 角地区”。 求的投资项目,迫使投资者选择珠三角其他地区或内地
concluded in 2003 between Mainland China and Hong Region 2015 Monthly 2015 Hourly 省份投资。最后,在政府的大力支持下,珠三角地区的
Kong and Macau, respectively, have phased out tariffs and MinimumWage MinimumWage 广东省欠发达的偏远城镇(多数是山区)、毗邻的 研究与开发也日渐提升。这些趋势都表明,珠三角地区
trade barriers, liberalized trade in services, and boosted 福建省和广西壮族自治区以及南边的海南省也是华南地区 经济越来越成熟。
trade and investment in Guangdong. As such, the term (yuan) (yuan) 的组成部分。为了使大珠三角地区的联系更加紧密并增加
“Greater PRD” was coined to refer to the PRD, Hong Kong 该地区与周边地区的合作,政府制订了许多政策措施,以 劳动力成本的上涨与珠三角地区生产率的大幅下降
and Macau as a group. Shenzhen 2030 18.5 方便发展经济和完善基础设施。 相对,这主要促使了劳动密集型产业转移到成本较低廉
Guangzhou 1895 18.3 的地区,例如越南。使投资商离开这个地区的因素还包
The more remote, less developed (and often more Zhuhai* 1510 14.4 今日珠三角 括中国经济重心从制造业到服务业的转移,以及地区工
mountainous) towns of Guangdong province, along Dongguan 1510 14.4 业用地的减少。
with the neighboring provinces of Fujian, Hainan and Foshan 1510 14.4 珠江三角洲地区一直被认为是中国高科技产品制造
the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, are the final Zhongshan 1510 14.4 中心,深圳、广州、东莞、珠海、惠州是生产高科技产
pieces of the South China puzzle. A series of economic Jiangmen 1350 13.3 品的主要城市。珠三角地区直接或间接生产种类繁多的
and infrastructure-focused government policies have Huizhou 1350 13.3 科技产品销往全球各地,包括原始设备制造(OEM)
been designed to better connect the Greater PRD and to Zhaoqing 1350 13.3 和品牌产品—也就是广义上的加工贸易。深圳是全国高
improve its links to these adjoining regions. 科技产业的领头羊,汇聚了中国高科技龙头企业,例如
* Zhuhai independently sets minimum wages, with its monthly amount set 华为、腾讯和中兴通讯公司,其总部都在深圳。
The PRDToday at 1650 yuan and its hourly amount set at 15.8 yuan.
The PRD has long been considered the heart of high- 低廉的劳动力成本(曾经是该地区的主要吸引力)已经
tech China, with Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan 快速上涨。最低工资水平是其中一个衡量标准。以深圳
(as well as Zhuhai and Huizhou) considered centers for 市为例,深圳市最低月工资上调222元至2030元人民
the manufacture of consumer electronics and other 币,名列全国第一。同时,珠三角地区其他城市也于
high-tech products. The PRD hosts direct and indirect 2015年提高了最低月工资(见右表)。
production arrangements for a wide variety of goods
68 69