Page 27 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 27

盛世长城国际广告(Saatchi & Saatchi)隶属于全球知名传播集团 -- 阳狮集团。自 1970 年创立以来,已逐步
发展成为全球最受瞩目的创意热店。盛世长城全球总部位于纽约,目前已在全球设立 140 家分公司,员工逾万名。
1992 年盛世长城来到中国,它也是最早来到中国的国际广告公司之一。自进入中国以来,盛世长城始终坚持以创意为
先,网罗了最顶尖的创意人才,通过逾二十年的不断探索与发展,拥有超过 450 名员工,在上海,北京,广州,香港,

Part of the Publicis Groupe, the 3rd largest communications holding company worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi’ s
Network clients include Diageo, Emirates, General Mills, Lenovo, Mead Johnson, Novartis, Procter & Gamble,
T-Mobile, Toyota and Visa Europe, and has 140 offices and over 6000 employees in the world.

更多新的客户。过去的三年中,盛世长城一直在新业务评比中名列三甲,2013 年经第三方权威机构发布的中国最十大
新业务中,盛世长城就占有了 4 个席位。在这几年中盛世长城一共斩获了 8 座“年度最佳创意代理公司”大奖。

One of the first 4A agencies to enter greater China (HK in 1989, the mainland in 1992), Saatchi & Saatchi Greater
China has over 450 employees, and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hong Kong, and
Macau. These offices serve over 50 domestic and international brands, including Procter & Gamble, Lexus,
Coca-Cola, General Mills, HSBC, Geely and CCTV, among a long list of renowned global and Chinese clients. In the
past three years alone, Saatchi & Saatchi has pocketed eight Creative Agency of the Year awards in the Greater
China region.

伦敦广告节、4A 金印奖、金投赏、One Show、Spikes Asia、长城奖、龙玺、黄河等一系列国内外专业奖项。

Saatchi & Saatchi is known for its outstanding creative ideas that generate powerful emotional connections between
consumers and products. This is a key element in Lovemarks, Saatchi & Saatchi’ s unique methodology for
elevating the status of brands by creating ‘loyalty beyond reason’ and ‘inspirational consumers’ .

作为一个时刻需要新鲜想法,需要源源不断创造力,热爱年轻人的创意,能聆听年轻人声音的公司 - 盛世长城国
际广告 (SAATCHI & SAATCHI),致力为年轻人创造职业发展平台和机会。

As a company that longs for fresh ideas and constant creativity, loves young people’ s innovation and listens to
young people’ s voices, Saatchi & Saatchi is dedicated to providing a development chance and a platform for young
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