Page 7 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 7


Atotal 219 companies participated in 此次调查共有219家会员企业参加,
the Study, of which one third from the 其中三分之一从事制造业。虽然近
manufacturing industry. While nearly a half of 半受访企业来自美国,也有三分之一来自中
the respondents originate from the U.S., one 国大陆,五分之一来自其他国家。因此,不
third are from Mainland China, and one fifth 难发现多数受访企业为外资企业。
from other countries. It is, therefore, obvious
that most of the responses are contributed by 受访企业中多数为全职员工不足250人
foreign-invested companies. 的中小型企业,其中三分之一以上是在华雇
One third of the Study participants are 访企业已在美中设立业务运营;近半数受访
large-scale companies with more than 500 企业在华对中国市场或美国市场提供商品和
employees in China. More than 60 percent 服务。值得注意的是,在从事出口业务的受
of the surveyed companies have established 访企业中,其出口产品的“中国制造”成分
business operations in both the U.S. and 的平均占比低于70%。
China. Nearly a half of the respondents are
based in China to provide goods and services 总而言之,大多受访企业与美国或中国
to the domestic market or the U.S. market. It is 均有贸易往来,并对这两个市场了解较深。
worth noting that among companies engaged 这些企业对这项调查的贡献无疑有助于了解
in export business, the average percentage of 华南地区商界所面临的现状。
“made in China” components of their exported
products is less than 70 percent.

In general, most of the participating
companies engage in trades with either
the U.S. or China, and have acquired good
understanding of both markets. Their
contribution to this Study greatly improves our
comprehension of the current situation faced
by the business community in south China.

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