Page 5 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 5
At a time when the tit-for-tat trade tensions 在美中贸易紧张局势持续加剧的同时,
between the U.S. and China continue to 华南美国商会进行了一项特别调查,
intensify, the American Chamber of Commerce in 以衡量美中两国关税的影响。这项调查于2018年
South China conducted a special Study to measure 9月21日至10月10日期间进行。此前不久,特朗
the impact of tariffs imposed by both countries. 普政府对中国产品征收2000亿美元的关税,中国
The Study was conducted between September 21 政府对美国产品征收600亿美元的关税。此次调查
and October 10, 2018, shortly after the additional 共有219家会员企业参与,其中三分之一从事制造
$200 billion in tariffs on Chinese products imposed 业,一半以上从事服务业,约七分之一从事其他行
by the Trump administration and the tariffs on 业。百分之九十五的受访企业在中国有运营。受访
$60 billion on the U.S. products by the Chinese 企业主要来自中国大陆、美国、加拿大、欧盟、日
government. 219 companies in total participated 本、韩国、东南亚、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国香港
in the Study, of which one third are engaged in the 特别行政区及中国澳门特别行政区。其中近半受访
manufacturing industry, more than one half in the 企业来自美国,也有三分之一来自中国大陆。对值
service sector, and around one seventh in other 得关注的问题,我们分别展示了不同来源地的受
industries. 95% of respondents have operation in 访企业的回应。
China. Participants in the Study include companies
from Mainland China, U.S., Canada, European
Union, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, New
Zealand, and Hong Kong and Macau SARs. Nearly a
half of the respondents originate from the U.S., and
one third from Mainland China. Where necessary,
we have presented the responses from companies
of different origins separately.
Key Take Away 关键要点
◎ Combined tariffs have negatively impacted ◎ 美中关税对各行各业及不同国家的企业均产
various industries and companies from different 生了负面影响,影响其业务运营,导致其业务额及
origins, affecting business operations and result- 市场份额大幅减少。
ing in substantial loss of business volume and
market share. ◎ 近半数受访企业表示非关税壁垒有所增多,
◎ Nearly a half of the respondents report an 最受关注的两个问题。
increase in non-tariff barriers, among which com-
plications from increased bureaucratic oversight or 3
At a time when the tit-for-tat trade tensions 在美中贸易紧张局势持续加剧的同时,
between the U.S. and China continue to 华南美国商会进行了一项特别调查,
intensify, the American Chamber of Commerce in 以衡量美中两国关税的影响。这项调查于2018年
South China conducted a special Study to measure 9月21日至10月10日期间进行。此前不久,特朗
the impact of tariffs imposed by both countries. 普政府对中国产品征收2000亿美元的关税,中国
The Study was conducted between September 21 政府对美国产品征收600亿美元的关税。此次调查
and October 10, 2018, shortly after the additional 共有219家会员企业参与,其中三分之一从事制造
$200 billion in tariffs on Chinese products imposed 业,一半以上从事服务业,约七分之一从事其他行
by the Trump administration and the tariffs on 业。百分之九十五的受访企业在中国有运营。受访
$60 billion on the U.S. products by the Chinese 企业主要来自中国大陆、美国、加拿大、欧盟、日
government. 219 companies in total participated 本、韩国、东南亚、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国香港
in the Study, of which one third are engaged in the 特别行政区及中国澳门特别行政区。其中近半受访
manufacturing industry, more than one half in the 企业来自美国,也有三分之一来自中国大陆。对值
service sector, and around one seventh in other 得关注的问题,我们分别展示了不同来源地的受
industries. 95% of respondents have operation in 访企业的回应。
China. Participants in the Study include companies
from Mainland China, U.S., Canada, European
Union, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, New
Zealand, and Hong Kong and Macau SARs. Nearly a
half of the respondents originate from the U.S., and
one third from Mainland China. Where necessary,
we have presented the responses from companies
of different origins separately.
Key Take Away 关键要点
◎ Combined tariffs have negatively impacted ◎ 美中关税对各行各业及不同国家的企业均产
various industries and companies from different 生了负面影响,影响其业务运营,导致其业务额及
origins, affecting business operations and result- 市场份额大幅减少。
ing in substantial loss of business volume and
market share. ◎ 近半数受访企业表示非关税壁垒有所增多,
◎ Nearly a half of the respondents report an 最受关注的两个问题。
increase in non-tariff barriers, among which com-
plications from increased bureaucratic oversight or 3