Page 6 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 6
ulatory scrutiny and slower customs clear- ◎ 不仅供应链受到影响,美国或中国的产业集
ance are the top two concerns. 群还将发生长期变化。企业在计划将生产线迁出中
◎ Not only supply chains are impacted, but
the industrial clusters in either the U.S. or China ◎ 虽然多数受访企业有考虑将生产线迁出中
will be changed in the long-term. Southeast Asian 国,但只有极少数受访企业表示会放弃中国市场。
countries are the priority when planning reloca- 相反,大多受访企业认为扩大中国市场是应对加
tion of manufacturing lines outside of China. 征关税最重要的补救措施之一,这足以说明中国
◎ Although plans for relocation of manu-
facturing lines outside of China are considered ◎ 美中企业对美中关系信心不足。商界广泛对
by a majority of respondents, only very few 征收关税持负面看法。
surveyed companies will give up the Chinese
market. Instead, most of the respondents see the ◎ 总而言之,相比中国企业,更多美国企业称
expansion of the Chinese market as one of the 其在贸易争端中受损,尤其业务运营、营业额及市
most important remedies for the imposed tariffs, 场份额等方面受到的实际影响。尽管如此,美企更
which sheds light on the importance of the 积极应对贸易争端带来的影响。
Chinese market.

◎ Both the U.S. and Chinese companies have
low confidence towards U.S.-China relations.
Negative opinions towards imposed tariffs are
widely shared by the business community.

◎ Generally speaking, more U.S. companies
report that they are hurt in the trade tensions
than their Chinese counterparts, particularly
in terms of practical impact on the business
operation, loss of business volume and market
share. Nevertheless, the U.S. companies are more
active in reacting towards the impact of the
trade disputes.

Some figures in this report may show deviations 本报告中的某些数据合计因四舍五入可能偏离100%。
from 100% due to rounding up.

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