Page 3 - Special Report on the Impact of U.S. and Chinese Tariffs
P. 3
sident’s Message
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
This publication represents a distillation
of experiences, plans, insights and the views of 本报告汇总了219家受访企业的经验、计
219 companies caught up in one of the most 划、见解及观点,他们正处于美中贸易最具挑战及
challenging and yet dynamic times facing 多变的时期。此批受访企业来自各行各业、规模不
trade between the United States and China. 一,包括来自美中及许多其他国家的企业。这些在
The companies which participated in our Study 中国建立了业务的企业心系美中贸易的前景。从此
represent a group which spans nearly every type of 份报告中也可看出,受现今贸易摩擦影响的不仅是
enterprise and at every size. It includes companies 美中企业,还有许多其他国家的企业。
originating from the U.S., China, and many
countries from around the world with established 在我们发布此次调查结果之际,近期许多
businesses in China who are concerned about 的言论及多数的指责似乎都忽略了这样一个事
the future of trade between the U.S. and China. 实——美中贸易关系是在多层次上发挥作用的关
The Study shows that today’s trade frictions are 系,而贸易平衡不过是错综复杂的关系中的一
impacting not just companies from the U.S. and 环。我坚信,用“紧密联系”形容美中两个经济
China, but also many from around the world. 体不过是走马观花的说法。事实上,我建议双方
As we present the results of this Study, it 同一颗小小的乒乓球来回斡旋达成共识——评论
seems that many recent accounts, and much of 妙球或差球不过嘴上功夫,但归根究底,只有宏
the finger-pointing, miss the fact that the U.S.- 观局势,我们才能共同受益,这也是后代评论我
China trade relationship is one that functions on 们的量尺。
multiple layers. Balance of trade is but one stratum
of a far more involved relationship, and I firmly 此次调查结果公开透明,无掺杂任何个人观
believe that to call our two economies “closely 点。但需指出的在此次调查结果中脱颖而出的事
linked” is really only scratching the surface. I 实是,这场被称作“贸易战”的争端中没有“赢
would suggest, in fact, that we revive the image of 家”,一如任何一场战争。
“ping pong diplomacy” from our mutual past and
consider that value continues to bounce back and 我们希望,此份代表多国受访企业事实观
forth between our two nations in much the same 点的报告,能促使双方政府暂停并重新思考其策
way as that small white ball—it may be interesting
to comment on a particularly deft or unfortunately 1
poor instance of ball striking paddle, but
ultimately it is through the game as a whole that
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
This publication represents a distillation
of experiences, plans, insights and the views of 本报告汇总了219家受访企业的经验、计
219 companies caught up in one of the most 划、见解及观点,他们正处于美中贸易最具挑战及
challenging and yet dynamic times facing 多变的时期。此批受访企业来自各行各业、规模不
trade between the United States and China. 一,包括来自美中及许多其他国家的企业。这些在
The companies which participated in our Study 中国建立了业务的企业心系美中贸易的前景。从此
represent a group which spans nearly every type of 份报告中也可看出,受现今贸易摩擦影响的不仅是
enterprise and at every size. It includes companies 美中企业,还有许多其他国家的企业。
originating from the U.S., China, and many
countries from around the world with established 在我们发布此次调查结果之际,近期许多
businesses in China who are concerned about 的言论及多数的指责似乎都忽略了这样一个事
the future of trade between the U.S. and China. 实——美中贸易关系是在多层次上发挥作用的关
The Study shows that today’s trade frictions are 系,而贸易平衡不过是错综复杂的关系中的一
impacting not just companies from the U.S. and 环。我坚信,用“紧密联系”形容美中两个经济
China, but also many from around the world. 体不过是走马观花的说法。事实上,我建议双方
As we present the results of this Study, it 同一颗小小的乒乓球来回斡旋达成共识——评论
seems that many recent accounts, and much of 妙球或差球不过嘴上功夫,但归根究底,只有宏
the finger-pointing, miss the fact that the U.S.- 观局势,我们才能共同受益,这也是后代评论我
China trade relationship is one that functions on 们的量尺。
multiple layers. Balance of trade is but one stratum
of a far more involved relationship, and I firmly 此次调查结果公开透明,无掺杂任何个人观
believe that to call our two economies “closely 点。但需指出的在此次调查结果中脱颖而出的事
linked” is really only scratching the surface. I 实是,这场被称作“贸易战”的争端中没有“赢
would suggest, in fact, that we revive the image of 家”,一如任何一场战争。
“ping pong diplomacy” from our mutual past and
consider that value continues to bounce back and 我们希望,此份代表多国受访企业事实观
forth between our two nations in much the same 点的报告,能促使双方政府暂停并重新思考其策
way as that small white ball—it may be interesting
to comment on a particularly deft or unfortunately 1
poor instance of ball striking paddle, but
ultimately it is through the game as a whole that