P. 19
Does it replace humans as we go forward? technologies with very clear scoped outcomes in
Certainly, it does in a certain aspect. But, there’s mind and a sense of oversight regarding how these
always that human element on the end that helps technologies are applied or audited,” added Albert.
drive the conclusions,” said Caesar, adding that the
importance of embracing young talent from the The future of policies for AI in
science, technology, engineering, and math fields cybersecurity
cannot be understated for organizations seeking to Last year, the Chamber outlined its artificial
leverage AI. intelligence principles addressing the importance
of making government data open and accessible
Albert noted that one of the top three problems and the need for investment in AI research
that he has seen chief information security officers and development. In addition, the Cyberspace
facing each year is adequate staffing for skilled Solarium Commission recently called for
roles. If implemented properly, AI can enhance legislation to increase information sharing
productivity but people will remain a critical between the public and private sectors. At the
component of the process for the foreseeable nexus of these two initiatives, the government
future. and private sector must think critically about how
data can be shared in ways that maintain security,
“Intellectual vigilance is required. It’s tempting promote international alignment, and enable more
to become overly reliant on new technologies robust AI solutions that capitalize upon the large
without questioning what you trade off for the swaths of data.
benefits. We’ve seen evidence of AI applications
demonstrating skewed results and anti-patterns Join the conversation on cybersecurity as the U.S.
in terms of the outcomes that you should be Chamber concludes its Now+Next series with
driving as a society or even as a business. For Logistical Challenges of Vaccine Distribution and a
example, it was in the news a few years ago that a talk on Sandworm and the NotPetya attacks.
major tech company discovered its resume review
system didn’t rate women fairly and stopped
using the system. People need to look at these
Certainly, it does in a certain aspect. But, there’s mind and a sense of oversight regarding how these
always that human element on the end that helps technologies are applied or audited,” added Albert.
drive the conclusions,” said Caesar, adding that the
importance of embracing young talent from the The future of policies for AI in
science, technology, engineering, and math fields cybersecurity
cannot be understated for organizations seeking to Last year, the Chamber outlined its artificial
leverage AI. intelligence principles addressing the importance
of making government data open and accessible
Albert noted that one of the top three problems and the need for investment in AI research
that he has seen chief information security officers and development. In addition, the Cyberspace
facing each year is adequate staffing for skilled Solarium Commission recently called for
roles. If implemented properly, AI can enhance legislation to increase information sharing
productivity but people will remain a critical between the public and private sectors. At the
component of the process for the foreseeable nexus of these two initiatives, the government
future. and private sector must think critically about how
data can be shared in ways that maintain security,
“Intellectual vigilance is required. It’s tempting promote international alignment, and enable more
to become overly reliant on new technologies robust AI solutions that capitalize upon the large
without questioning what you trade off for the swaths of data.
benefits. We’ve seen evidence of AI applications
demonstrating skewed results and anti-patterns Join the conversation on cybersecurity as the U.S.
in terms of the outcomes that you should be Chamber concludes its Now+Next series with
driving as a society or even as a business. For Logistical Challenges of Vaccine Distribution and a
example, it was in the news a few years ago that a talk on Sandworm and the NotPetya attacks.
major tech company discovered its resume review
system didn’t rate women fairly and stopped
using the system. People need to look at these