P. 16

American Innovation Requires
A National Policy Upgrade

By Executive Vice President, U.S. Chamber Center for CBaypiTtoaml MQauarkadetmsan
ExCecoumtivpeetViticiveePnreessisdent, U.S. Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness
Senior Advisor to the SeniSoernEioxreAcduvtiisvoerVtoictehePSreensiiodreEnxtecutive Vice President

With all that 2020 has thrown at us, America’s As we’ve seen during the COVID-19 pandemic,
tech companies are helping us cope. America’s broadband connectivity is essential for enabling
technology companies are keeping us connected telemedicine, smart cities, and distanced learning.
to work and learn, developing the next cures Despite sharp spikes in internet usage and
and treatments, and helping the disadvantaged. broadband utilization, U.S. networks have met
Tech will also help us to rebuild our economy and the demand without any major technical issues.
strengthen America’s competitiveness. But today, Ed Gillespie, Senior Executive Vice President of
we are witnessing domestic and foreign efforts External & Legislative Affairs at AT&T, attributes
to hamper tech growth and dislodge America’s this resilience to a light regulatory touch. “I say
leadership. that because we saw a contrast in Europe, where
you did see a slowing in the networks. We believe
We need rational and balanced policies that promote that was the result of a much more heavy regulatory
American tech leadership and keep our economy approach and regime. We’re not opposed to
and workers competitive in a global economy. regulation, but it should be done in a way that
Recently, the Chamber Technology Engagement allows for private investment to continue and to
Center (C_TEC) convened policymakers and expand the broadband networks.”
industry leaders at an event, American Innovators;
America’s Next Tech Upgrade to unveil the Still, 18 million Americans lack access to high-
Chamber’s 2021 technology agenda to accomplish speed broadband, and connecting these unserved
just that - accelerate economic growth, create jobs, communities relies on targeted funding, permit
and maximize the digital tools at our disposal. streaming, and smart regulation. At its core is
an effective partnership between the public and
Policymakers and thought leaders at the event made private sectors. Gillespie agrees, adding, ”For
clear that smart regulations, not ill-equipped and American families today to not be left behind, there
outdated regulations, are necessary to provide the needs to be universal broadband. In order for that
right environment to support an innovative digital broadband connectivity to be effective, it needs to
economy. “The list of issues that people are pouring be continuously led by private sector investment.
into the vessel of antitrust include topics where I But the private sector alone cannot meet this
don't think we should necessarily expect the freely challenge.”
functioning market to work. And that is of course
the space where regulation steps in,” said Federal Smart regulation is also foundational to a data
Trade Commissioner Noah Phillips. privacy strategy that promotes public health and

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