P. 17
ety, protects consumers, and reassures business. the market, privacy would necessarily result on its
Both industry and policymakers at the event echoed own,” Commissioner Phillips noted. “Privacy, at
the importance of establishing a federal data privacy the end of the day, has a lot to do with closing off
law and building public trust. access to information in particular by firms, and
that may be good for privacy, but it might be bad
“We need a clear, consistent national standard, not for competition."
a patchwork of different rules at the state level,”
said Christina Montgomery, Chief Privacy Officer We also need smart regulation when it comes
at IBM. “Privacy protection shouldn’t vary based on to keeping pace with the rapid tech-enabled
where someone lives, or from where they access the transformations in transportation and the
internet.” workforce, particularly in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic. In the transportation sector,
Representative Suzan DelBene (D-WA) agrees, “We policymakers can facilitate the safe development
have a responsibility to ensure consumers have a and deployment of drones, urban air mobility, and
clear understanding as to what happens to their automated vehicles by safely removing barriers to
data...We need federal legislation that provides innovation, ensuring regulatory clarity, educating
a national standard of protection, no matter the public, and maintaining U.S. leadership in
what state you’re in.” Moreover, she emphasized the field. Similarly, technology is expanding—not
expedience in passing such a law. “We need to lead replacing—opportunities for Americans to work.
as global standards are set, otherwise someone else C_TEC argues that a 21st century technology
sets them for us, and we are clearly falling behind workforce depends on the gig economy, modern
in that effort.” immigration laws, continuous upskilling, and the
deployment of data centers.
Jerry Jones, Executive Vice President at LiveRamp,
highlighted the bipartisan and public-private Policymakers and industry leaders agree - American
momentum on this important issue: “...[T]he
benefits of a U.S. federal data law are so compelling innovation depends on a close and cooperative
for our country that we’re willing to work very hard
in a collaborative fashion to help Congress find the public-private partnership. Business-led
necessary and sufficient common ground to finally
get something done.” innovation has been at the forefront of America’s
From a policy perspective, data privacy is another economic growth and strength for decades. It has
example of when smart regulation trumps antitrust.
“I don’t think if we introduced more competition in been a lifeline during the pandemic for millions
of Americans and will be critical to charting our
path forward. Smart regulation can invigorate and
incentivize business while protecting and enabling
consumers. Antitrust is not the right tool for the job.
Both industry and policymakers at the event echoed own,” Commissioner Phillips noted. “Privacy, at
the importance of establishing a federal data privacy the end of the day, has a lot to do with closing off
law and building public trust. access to information in particular by firms, and
that may be good for privacy, but it might be bad
“We need a clear, consistent national standard, not for competition."
a patchwork of different rules at the state level,”
said Christina Montgomery, Chief Privacy Officer We also need smart regulation when it comes
at IBM. “Privacy protection shouldn’t vary based on to keeping pace with the rapid tech-enabled
where someone lives, or from where they access the transformations in transportation and the
internet.” workforce, particularly in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic. In the transportation sector,
Representative Suzan DelBene (D-WA) agrees, “We policymakers can facilitate the safe development
have a responsibility to ensure consumers have a and deployment of drones, urban air mobility, and
clear understanding as to what happens to their automated vehicles by safely removing barriers to
data...We need federal legislation that provides innovation, ensuring regulatory clarity, educating
a national standard of protection, no matter the public, and maintaining U.S. leadership in
what state you’re in.” Moreover, she emphasized the field. Similarly, technology is expanding—not
expedience in passing such a law. “We need to lead replacing—opportunities for Americans to work.
as global standards are set, otherwise someone else C_TEC argues that a 21st century technology
sets them for us, and we are clearly falling behind workforce depends on the gig economy, modern
in that effort.” immigration laws, continuous upskilling, and the
deployment of data centers.
Jerry Jones, Executive Vice President at LiveRamp,
highlighted the bipartisan and public-private Policymakers and industry leaders agree - American
momentum on this important issue: “...[T]he
benefits of a U.S. federal data law are so compelling innovation depends on a close and cooperative
for our country that we’re willing to work very hard
in a collaborative fashion to help Congress find the public-private partnership. Business-led
necessary and sufficient common ground to finally
get something done.” innovation has been at the forefront of America’s
From a policy perspective, data privacy is another economic growth and strength for decades. It has
example of when smart regulation trumps antitrust.
“I don’t think if we introduced more competition in been a lifeline during the pandemic for millions
of Americans and will be critical to charting our
path forward. Smart regulation can invigorate and
incentivize business while protecting and enabling
consumers. Antitrust is not the right tool for the job.