P. 18

Beyond the Hype –

Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

By Jimmy Housley
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The applications of artificial intelligence (AI) have improved our ability to maintain and use
have become ubiquitous over the last decade, data in volumes not previously possible. AI
transforming the way we work, play, and interact systems leverage these computing advancements
with the world. AI systems recommend what you in conjunction with algorithms or rules to find
should watch on Netflix, recognize your biometric patterns in data, derive insights, and act without
data for authentication, and assist you during being directed by humans.
“live” chats with customer service. These examples
highlight common applications of AI systems, Applying intelligent systems to
but AI can also promote security in our data and cybersecurity
systems. In 2016, the Defense Advanced Research and
Development Agency (DARPA) hosted a Cyber
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Cyber, Grand Challenge where teams developed cyber
Intelligence, and Supply Chain Security Division reasoning systems that could identify software
hosted a discussion today on the applications of flaws, formulate patches, and deploy them in real-
AI in cybersecurity during its Now+Next webinar time. This was a remarkable feat and showcased
series, and dove into how businesses can leverage the effectiveness of AI systems at supporting
AI in their security efforts. security efforts.

“Humans are great at intuition and creativity. The However, other use cases exist for the application
challenge in cyber is that you sometimes have very of AI in cybersecurity including detecting malware,
subtle signals pointing to anomalies, and you must automated incident reporting, root-cause analysis,
move beyond human scale to see that drift from and network monitoring to track user activity.
normality in complex enterprises. Moreover, you Network monitoring tools can build profiles of
must understand those subtle signals and respond typical behavior and then detect anomalies, which
to them at machine speed. This is where the power are particularly useful in identifying phishing
of AI potentially provides the most value,” said attacks.
Albert Biketi, Vice President, Security Business at
Splunk. “Operationally, we are under cyberattack every
second, and AI allows us to target malicious code
Defining AI and other intrusions at scale to achieve faster
“AI is the ability for machines and technology to decision-making versus attempting manual
take on tasks and services that would normally triage,” added Caesar.
require humans,” said Caesar Nieves, Senior
Vice President and General Manager for Cyber at Augmenting the cyber workforce through
Jacobs. AI
While AI systems support cybersecurity by
The rapid expansion of AI can be attributed to enabling prevention or detection and resolution of
multiple technological developments coming threats, they should not be considered the panacea
together simultaneously. Innovations in to all cybersecurity problems.
computing power, storage, and network access

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