P. 12
US companies and trading partners have CEO of the Center for a New American
criticized Trump’s tariff war, which prompted Security Richard Fontaine said, “The
Chinese retaliation that hurt American administration’s first question will be what to
farmers and factory workers, two groups that do about them: leave them in place, eliminate
Biden will need to appease if the Democratic them, or trade their elimination for some
party wants an additional four more years of concession by Beijing.”
“Biden has said he’ll review the tariffs but
While tensions will persist under a Biden hasn’t specified a plan; it’s likely that he’ll
administration, the key difference will be seek something different from Beijing – think
in approach. Biden has pledged to work agreements on intellectual property theft or
with allies to pressure China through the forced technology transfer, say, rather than
multilateral organizations that Trump has Trump’s focus on Chinese purchases of
eschewed. Analysts expect Biden to work soybeans and autos,” Fontaine added.
with China on issues such as climate change
and response to the pandemic, actions that Axios predicts Biden will keep some Trump
could in turn help to thaw some animosity tariffs in place and take a look at agricultural
between the two countries. purchases. Tariffs may be lifted, but only in
exchange for something in major return from
Biden said in his final debate with President the Chinese. Trump’s tariffs were imposed to
Trump, “We need to be having the rest of our encourage manufacturers to shift jobs back to
friends with us, saying to China: ‘We play by the United States, a cause long championed
the rules. You play by them or you are going by Democrats.
to pay the price for not playing by them,
economically’.” In their debates, Trump and Vice President
Mike Pence accused Biden of giving China a
For now, tariff hikes on Chinese goods free ride as Obama’s vice president. Biden’s
“would probably be removed only gradually running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, labeled
under Biden,” said Michael Hirson of Eurasia Trump’s trade war a failure.
US companies and trading partners have CEO of the Center for a New American
criticized Trump’s tariff war, which prompted Security Richard Fontaine said, “The
Chinese retaliation that hurt American administration’s first question will be what to
farmers and factory workers, two groups that do about them: leave them in place, eliminate
Biden will need to appease if the Democratic them, or trade their elimination for some
party wants an additional four more years of concession by Beijing.”
“Biden has said he’ll review the tariffs but
While tensions will persist under a Biden hasn’t specified a plan; it’s likely that he’ll
administration, the key difference will be seek something different from Beijing – think
in approach. Biden has pledged to work agreements on intellectual property theft or
with allies to pressure China through the forced technology transfer, say, rather than
multilateral organizations that Trump has Trump’s focus on Chinese purchases of
eschewed. Analysts expect Biden to work soybeans and autos,” Fontaine added.
with China on issues such as climate change
and response to the pandemic, actions that Axios predicts Biden will keep some Trump
could in turn help to thaw some animosity tariffs in place and take a look at agricultural
between the two countries. purchases. Tariffs may be lifted, but only in
exchange for something in major return from
Biden said in his final debate with President the Chinese. Trump’s tariffs were imposed to
Trump, “We need to be having the rest of our encourage manufacturers to shift jobs back to
friends with us, saying to China: ‘We play by the United States, a cause long championed
the rules. You play by them or you are going by Democrats.
to pay the price for not playing by them,
economically’.” In their debates, Trump and Vice President
Mike Pence accused Biden of giving China a
For now, tariff hikes on Chinese goods free ride as Obama’s vice president. Biden’s
“would probably be removed only gradually running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, labeled
under Biden,” said Michael Hirson of Eurasia Trump’s trade war a failure.