Page 33 - SCBJ-201605
P. 33
May 2016

Automobile Trade Co Ltd, Jinxi Group, Energy and Wal-Mart from the US, zones above
Jidong Development and etc. Shougang Group, Beijing Er Shang Group, provincial-
Tewoo Group, Shenzhen Ganten and level with the
Tangshan is an Open Land with etc. Tangshan has a coastline of 229.7 capability of
Vitality kilometres, accounting for nearly a half undertaking large-
of Hebei province. Tangshan Port is open scale industrial
17 world top 500 companies and over to navigation with over 120 countries and agglomeration.
300 enterprises from more than 40 regions and its cargo handling capacity These zones such as
countries and regions have invested in exceeded 500 million tons ranking fourth National Economic
Tangshan. A large number of well-known in China and fifth in the world. There Development Zone,
enterprises both at home and abroad are enough land resources and improved National High Tech
have established their companies in infrastructure with 1.9 million mu (1.2 Development Zone,
Tangshan including Panasonic, toyota billion km2) unused land and construction Comprehensive
and Sumitomo from Japan, Constellation land. Compared to the land scarcity Bonded Zone,
elsewhere, rich land resources will become China-Japan-
Tangshan’s advantage as well as the South Korea
biggest hope for future development. Circular Economy
Tangshan is a Golden Land for Base, and National
Investment Petrochemical
Industrial Base
Tangshan possesses improved all have their distinctive industrial
infrastructure, attractive investment characteristics and are supported by the
environment and increasingly supporting state. Tangshan is facing the important
industry. Now we have 26 development historical opportunities of further
promoting the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
Coordinated Development Strategy,
implementing the Belt and Road Initiative
by the state and accelerated rising of the
Bohai Rim. A series of big events host by
Tangshan including World Horticulture
Exposition, China-CEEC Local Leaders’
Meeting, China-LAC Business Summit,
Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers
Film Festival etc will bring Tangshan more
popularity and reputation.

Trade Development Bureau of
Hebei Province(河北省贸易发展局)
唐 伟: 0311-87909682; 13931135675
范玉娟: 0311-87800299; 13739797761

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