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South China Business Journal

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Park Hyatt Guangzhou copy and print, technical services, mailing and shipping. The
广州柏悦酒店 company serves consumers and businesses in 57 countries with
more than 2,000 retail stores, award-winning e-commerce sites
Park Hyatt Guangzhou and a dedicated business-to-business sales organization – all
reflects the unparalleled delivered through a global network of wholly owned operations,
elegance of the Park joint ventures, franchisees, licensees and alliance partners. The
Hyatt brand, ensuring company’s portfolio of exclusive product brands include TUL,
a sophisticated and enriching experience for business and leisure Foray, DiVOGA, Ativa, WorkPRO, Realspace and HighMark.
travelers alike. Office Depot公司(中文名称:欧迪办公),成立于1986年,
Adding to the city’s growing skyline, Park Hyatt Guangzhou is 总部位于美国佛罗里达州,全球员工近56,000人,为57个国
situated above the 53rd floor of the R&F Ying Kai Plaza soaring 家和地区的客户提供办公产品与办公服务。
above the New Heart and Central Business District offering Office Depot在零售、合约销售、目录销售及电子商务等多
breathtaking views across the city. Adjacent to the historic Pearl 种营销渠道中均处于领先地位。目前,Office Depot已在全
River, this luxury 5 star hotel is ideally located in Zhujiang 球开设2000多家零售店;同时,Office Depot是世界最大的
New Town, near the Canton Tower, Guangzhou Opera House 电子商务企业之一。Office Depot在纽约证券交易市场上市
and the charming Huacheng Square. Park Hyatt Guangzhou is (股票代码:ODP),列于标准普尔500指数。
conveniently located 40km from Baiyun International Airport
and 3km from Guangzhou East Railway Station. Designed for the Cathy Accounting Firm
discerning traveler, Park Hyatt Guangzhou will be a welcoming 东莞市凯思财税咨询有限公司
personal residence marrying luxurious appointments with modern
amenities to the new heart of Guangzhou. Cathy Accounting Firm locates
广州柏悦酒店演绎了柏悦品牌无与伦比的优雅魅力,致力 in Dongguan and has set up a
为每位商务及休闲旅者提供精致多样的入住体验。 branch office in Shenzhen. Our
坐落于鸟瞰城市新核心及中央商务区的富力盈凯广场53层 professional team focuses on providing professional, timely and
之上,广州柏悦酒店尽揽羊城醉人美景,为城市的风景线 considerate accounting & tax advisory and agential services in
徒添华丽之魅。毗邻历史悠久的珠江河畔,酒店置于珠江 both Chinese and English for all small medium foreign invested
新城中最优越地段,与广州塔、广州歌剧院及独具魅力的 companies, retailing shops, representative offices and so on.
花城广场并美为邻。酒店交通便利,与白云国际机场距离 Our service area covers all the major cities in Guangdong
40公里,与广州东站相距不过3公里。专为品味不凡的旅 Province.
者而设,广州柏悦酒店将会成为最受欢迎的私人府邸,融 凯思财税咨询公司位于东莞及深圳,我们致力于为中小型外
合奢华设备及时尚设施,这里定将成为广州的新焦点。 资企业、代表处等提供专业的中英文财税咨询与代理服务。
Contact person: Padme Sun Contact person: Cathy Zhang
Add: 16 Huaxia Road, Rearl River New City, Tianhe District, Add: Room 1807, Fengshuo Plaza, No.22 Yuanmei Road,
Guangzhou Nancheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong.
地址:广州天河区珠江新城华夏路16号 地址:广东省东莞市南城区元美路22号丰硕广场1807室
Tel: +86 20 3769 1234; Fax: +86 20 3769 1235 Tel: 0086-769-26995280; Fax: 0086-769-26995280
E-mail: E-mail:; Website:

Office Depot Merchandising (Shenzhen) Co. Guangdong Dongjian Group Co., Ltd.
Ltd. 广东东箭汽车用品制造有限公司
Guangdong Dongjian Group
Office Depot, Inc. is a resource and a catalyst to help customers CO., LTD was founded in
work better. We are a single source for everything customers 1994. Dongjian is located in
need to be more productive, including the latest technology, core Lecong Town,Shunde District,Foshan City,G.D.,China.
office supplies, facilities products, furniture, and school essentials. The total production base plant is more than two hundred
The company also provides a variety of services including thousand square meters and owns more than four thousand
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