Page 29 - SCBJ-201605
P. 29
May 2016
The Highway Network Extending
in All Directions
only city along the river and sea in the Southeast Auto Convenient
nation that has a hot spring in its central Transportation
urban area, thus receiving the reputation Fuyao Glass Fuzhou is connected to the
and fame as “China’s capital city of Pearl River Delta to the north
hot springs”. The city has a hospitable represented by Haixi Institute, a branch of and the Yangtze River Delta
environment and a pleasant climate. Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Fuzhou. to the south, as well as other
In 2010, Fuzhou was rated first at the It has won the title of “Outstanding Cities major economic zones. It is
Shanghai Expo as the most livable city in in Technical Progress” for 10 successive also strategically located to
Mainland China. years. It was rated as one of the first Taiwan to east and boarders
“National Intellectual Property Rights inland economic hinterland to
Multiple Favorable Policies Model Cities” and “National Innovation the west. Fuzhou Port is one
Pilot Cities”. It also received approval to of the national 25 main hub
As Fuzhou New District, Fuzhou Area of set up the first National Comprehensive ports. Among them, Jiangyin
China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone, core Talent Attraction Test Zone. Port is the world’s top 100
area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk container port. Luoyuan
Road and the first demonstration zone Bay Port has a maximum
of ecological civilization, with Pingtan berthing capacity of 300,000
(Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental ton. Fuzhou is one of China’s
Area) as an important neighbor, Fuzhou top 20 largest airports, and one of the 10
city is in a distinctive position to benefit major Railway Passenger Transportation
from the existing multiple favorable Centers. It is also a transportation hub for
policies. As such, the city is presented with expressways in the southeastern coastal
a very rare development opportunity. areas.
Talents Aggregation Developed Industries
There are 32 institutions of higher Fuzhou has cultivated and formed 6
education, including Fuzhou University, competitive industrial clusters including
and more than 300 research institutions, electronic information, machine
The Highway Network Extending
in All Directions
only city along the river and sea in the Southeast Auto Convenient
nation that has a hot spring in its central Transportation
urban area, thus receiving the reputation Fuyao Glass Fuzhou is connected to the
and fame as “China’s capital city of Pearl River Delta to the north
hot springs”. The city has a hospitable represented by Haixi Institute, a branch of and the Yangtze River Delta
environment and a pleasant climate. Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Fuzhou. to the south, as well as other
In 2010, Fuzhou was rated first at the It has won the title of “Outstanding Cities major economic zones. It is
Shanghai Expo as the most livable city in in Technical Progress” for 10 successive also strategically located to
Mainland China. years. It was rated as one of the first Taiwan to east and boarders
“National Intellectual Property Rights inland economic hinterland to
Multiple Favorable Policies Model Cities” and “National Innovation the west. Fuzhou Port is one
Pilot Cities”. It also received approval to of the national 25 main hub
As Fuzhou New District, Fuzhou Area of set up the first National Comprehensive ports. Among them, Jiangyin
China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone, core Talent Attraction Test Zone. Port is the world’s top 100
area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk container port. Luoyuan
Road and the first demonstration zone Bay Port has a maximum
of ecological civilization, with Pingtan berthing capacity of 300,000
(Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental ton. Fuzhou is one of China’s
Area) as an important neighbor, Fuzhou top 20 largest airports, and one of the 10
city is in a distinctive position to benefit major Railway Passenger Transportation
from the existing multiple favorable Centers. It is also a transportation hub for
policies. As such, the city is presented with expressways in the southeastern coastal
a very rare development opportunity. areas.
Talents Aggregation Developed Industries
There are 32 institutions of higher Fuzhou has cultivated and formed 6
education, including Fuzhou University, competitive industrial clusters including
and more than 300 research institutions, electronic information, machine