Page 37 - SCBJ-201605
P. 37
May 2016
Dongjian specialized in R&D and manufacturing automotive operations in China and Southeast Asia. It facilitates businesses
exteriors products, which has grew up to be the largest worldwide to tap into the Asian emerging markets by ensuring
producer and exporter of automotive exteriors products in comprehensively that statutory and regulatory compliance of
China. the companies are met. With its personalized and competitively
广东东箭集团成立于1994年,坐落于佛山顺德。生产基地 priced services, P&P strives to provide each of its clients a
厂房总面积20万余平方米,员工4000余人。 strategic advantage in the market in which it operates. In
公司专业研发及制造汽车外饰零部件,现已成为国内大型 order to ensure a seamless service fine tuned to the specific
的汽车后市场外饰件生产及出口企业。 regulatory, business and cultural aspects of the country
Contact person: 汪婷 of origin of its clients, P&P employs as account managers
地址:广东省佛山市顺德区乐从镇乐从大道西B333号 professionals with different language skills from Spanish to
Tel: 13622503214; E-mail: English, from German to Italian.
Website: P&P 作为一家2005年成立于亚洲的咨询公司,协助超过1000
Guangdong Uncommon Industrial Co., Ltd 通过确保企业各项法律合规,P&P 加速促进全世界范围内企
广东非凡实业有限 业与亚洲新兴市场的接轨。
公司 P&P拥有个性化以及竞争性价格的服务,致力于为客户在其
Guangdong Uncommon 为满足客户特殊的业务要求以及客户本国文化方面的需
Industrial Co., Ltd. is subordinate to Uncommon Group, which 求,P&P 聘请专业的并有不同的语言技能的客户经理,从西
was founded by Mr. Huang Lihui in 1992. The group now has 语到英语,从德语到意大利语。
3,000 employees and three subordinates such as Guangdong Contact person: Fabio Stella/ Crystal Lee
Uncommon Industrial Co.,Ltd. Add: Room 2104, 21st floor, East Tower, Renfeng Building
Guangdong Oral Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. and Chaozhou No. 490 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510000
Uncommon Ceramic Industrial Co., Ltd. Uncommon Group 地址:510000 广州市天河路490号壬丰大厦东厅21楼2104
has many joint-stock and holdings companies, which becomes Tel: (86 20) 28988802; E-mail:
a comprehensive large-scale company focusing on sanitary Website:
ceramics, ornament ceramics and household ceramics in years’
development. QSI International School of Shenzhen
非凡实业,全称广东非凡实业有限公司是非凡企业集团的直 蛇口科爱赛国际学校
有员工3000人,下属有广东非凡实业有限公司、广东欧乐家 Education. Not for
厨卫有限公司、潮州非凡陶瓷实业有限公司三家直属企业, profit. Programs for
并参股或控股多家行业关联性企业。通过多年发展已形成卫 children age 2 to 18.
生陶瓷、工艺陶瓷、日用陶瓷及厨卫设备等综合性、集团化 International and
公司。 American curriculum. IB Diploma Program and AP Program.
Contact person: Xiaoping Huang Focus on a caring environment and “Success for All” through
Add: Corporate Office, Fuzhong Village, Guxiang, Chaozhou, mastery learning instruction. Accredited by the Middle States
Guangdong, China Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA).
地址:广东省潮州市古巷孚中工业区 教育行业,非盈利机构,提供2至18岁学生教育,采用国际
Tel: 0768-696-828; Fax: 0768-6961829 化和美式教学大纲,提供IB和AP课程, 由美国中部诸州大学
E-mail: 及学校委员会认证。注得提供一个关心照顾的环境和采用“
Website: 全面掌握”教学理念。
Contact person: Scott D’Atlerio
P&P (Shanghai) Business Consultancy Co., Add: Bitao Center No.8 Taizi Road Shekou Nanshan District
Ltd. Guangzhou Branch Shenzhen Guangdong Province China
伯司乐(上海)商务咨询有限公司广州分公司 地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区蛇口太子路8号碧涛中心
Tel: (86 755) 26676031; Fax: (86 755) 26676030
An advisory firm established in E-mail:; Website:
Asia in 2005, P&P assists over
1000 international clients in their 35
Dongjian specialized in R&D and manufacturing automotive operations in China and Southeast Asia. It facilitates businesses
exteriors products, which has grew up to be the largest worldwide to tap into the Asian emerging markets by ensuring
producer and exporter of automotive exteriors products in comprehensively that statutory and regulatory compliance of
China. the companies are met. With its personalized and competitively
广东东箭集团成立于1994年,坐落于佛山顺德。生产基地 priced services, P&P strives to provide each of its clients a
厂房总面积20万余平方米,员工4000余人。 strategic advantage in the market in which it operates. In
公司专业研发及制造汽车外饰零部件,现已成为国内大型 order to ensure a seamless service fine tuned to the specific
的汽车后市场外饰件生产及出口企业。 regulatory, business and cultural aspects of the country
Contact person: 汪婷 of origin of its clients, P&P employs as account managers
地址:广东省佛山市顺德区乐从镇乐从大道西B333号 professionals with different language skills from Spanish to
Tel: 13622503214; E-mail: English, from German to Italian.
Website: P&P 作为一家2005年成立于亚洲的咨询公司,协助超过1000
Guangdong Uncommon Industrial Co., Ltd 通过确保企业各项法律合规,P&P 加速促进全世界范围内企
广东非凡实业有限 业与亚洲新兴市场的接轨。
公司 P&P拥有个性化以及竞争性价格的服务,致力于为客户在其
Guangdong Uncommon 为满足客户特殊的业务要求以及客户本国文化方面的需
Industrial Co., Ltd. is subordinate to Uncommon Group, which 求,P&P 聘请专业的并有不同的语言技能的客户经理,从西
was founded by Mr. Huang Lihui in 1992. The group now has 语到英语,从德语到意大利语。
3,000 employees and three subordinates such as Guangdong Contact person: Fabio Stella/ Crystal Lee
Uncommon Industrial Co.,Ltd. Add: Room 2104, 21st floor, East Tower, Renfeng Building
Guangdong Oral Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. and Chaozhou No. 490 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510000
Uncommon Ceramic Industrial Co., Ltd. Uncommon Group 地址:510000 广州市天河路490号壬丰大厦东厅21楼2104
has many joint-stock and holdings companies, which becomes Tel: (86 20) 28988802; E-mail:
a comprehensive large-scale company focusing on sanitary Website:
ceramics, ornament ceramics and household ceramics in years’
development. QSI International School of Shenzhen
非凡实业,全称广东非凡实业有限公司是非凡企业集团的直 蛇口科爱赛国际学校
有员工3000人,下属有广东非凡实业有限公司、广东欧乐家 Education. Not for
厨卫有限公司、潮州非凡陶瓷实业有限公司三家直属企业, profit. Programs for
并参股或控股多家行业关联性企业。通过多年发展已形成卫 children age 2 to 18.
生陶瓷、工艺陶瓷、日用陶瓷及厨卫设备等综合性、集团化 International and
公司。 American curriculum. IB Diploma Program and AP Program.
Contact person: Xiaoping Huang Focus on a caring environment and “Success for All” through
Add: Corporate Office, Fuzhong Village, Guxiang, Chaozhou, mastery learning instruction. Accredited by the Middle States
Guangdong, China Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA).
地址:广东省潮州市古巷孚中工业区 教育行业,非盈利机构,提供2至18岁学生教育,采用国际
Tel: 0768-696-828; Fax: 0768-6961829 化和美式教学大纲,提供IB和AP课程, 由美国中部诸州大学
E-mail: 及学校委员会认证。注得提供一个关心照顾的环境和采用“
Website: 全面掌握”教学理念。
Contact person: Scott D’Atlerio
P&P (Shanghai) Business Consultancy Co., Add: Bitao Center No.8 Taizi Road Shekou Nanshan District
Ltd. Guangzhou Branch Shenzhen Guangdong Province China
伯司乐(上海)商务咨询有限公司广州分公司 地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区蛇口太子路8号碧涛中心
Tel: (86 755) 26676031; Fax: (86 755) 26676030
An advisory firm established in E-mail:; Website:
Asia in 2005, P&P assists over
1000 international clients in their 35