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P. 27
May 2016

mid-point and also NFCT’s headquarters. and diverse attractions, it can be hard to as well as vibrant communities today for
Vermont stays busy in winter too, with choose just a handful. The Vermont Civil entertainment, dining and shopping. The
more than 50 ski areas offering a variety War History Guide has more than 40 Green Mountain State’s 10 designated
of ski and stay options, from beginner- sites and the African American Heritage Byways offer information signs and
friendly mountains with rustic lodges to Trail leads visitors to a dozen historic centers to help you optimize your journey
expert terrain and luxurious resorts. Inn locations. Then there’s the arts scene: with regional history, cultural and outdoor
to inn snow-shoe and snowmobile trips concerts, plays, opera, ballet, modern activities along the way. Vermont Byways
are perennial favorites as well. Home to dance, paintings, sculpture, prints, studio range from 30 miles in length to over 400
Burton snowboards, the first Nordic ski crafts, photography, film and circus miles of scenic driving. Learn more at
center and the first ski lift for downhill engage visitors annually. Also, the year-
skiing, Vermont is the number one skiing round festival schedule hosts everything
destination in the Eastern U.S. The state from classic car shows to musical galas Tourism, Meetings & Transportation
welcomes more than four million skier to old-fashion farm fairs. Museums and
visits to its more than 12,000 alpine ski galleries are equally abundant, housing Vermont’s population of 626, 000
trails annually. cultural and science collections entirely residents welcome an estimated 14 million
unexpected. person trips to Vermont for leisure,
Heritage Traditions, Events & business or personal travel annually.
Attractions Vermont Scenic Byways Direct spending by visitors for goods
and services totals approximately $1.7
Often, outdoor enthusiasts visiting There’s a network of roadways in Vermont billion. Visitor spending supports an
Vermont have difficulty narrowing that hugs the mountains and meets at the estimated 38,000 jobs for Vermonters,
down their favorites among the ample heart of downtowns. These are the roads approximately 11.5 percent of all Vermont
recreation available. It’s the same for through Vermont’s peaks and valleys that jobs.
those who seek out Vermont’s cultural beckon you to slow down and open the
scene. There are so many superb events windows to breathe it all in. These roads More than 100 meeting sites offer
take you to the towns and villages settled flexibility in size, style and budget. Venues
when America was first born and they are range from grand hotels to technical
a hub of old New England architecture amphitheaters and rustic retreats.
Vermont’s luxury-meets-charming
amenities, vibrant downtowns and natural
beauty enhance guests’ experiences and
complement conference agendas. Learn
more at

Vermont’s proximity to New York, Boston
and Montreal provide convenient and
affordable access. Transportation options
include daily flights from five major
airports, Amtrak train service, ferries from
New York State and a superior highway

For tourism and general information,
please visit
and for research and statistics, please visit to learn

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