Page 35 - SCBJ-201511
P. 35
November 2015

Major Cities 6. Langfang, the Hallway 11. Handan, a Base of
between Beijing and Tianjin, a Equipment Manufacturing
11 Municipal Cities City with Beautiful Ecology and a Hub of Commerce &
(Cities with Districts) Focus on the Logistics
development Focus on the development of quality
1. Shijiazhuang, the Provincial Capital of strategic iron & steel, equipment manufacturing,
and the 3rd Pole of the Beijing-Tianjin- emerging commerce & logistics, coal chemical
Hebei Region industries industry, new hi-technology and cultural
Focus on the development of bio- including electronic information, tourism, striving to build a city that is
medicine, electronic information, high-end equipment prosperous, beautiful, livable, business-
high-end equipment manufacturing, manufacturing, new energy, bio- friendly and good for tourism.
new materials, new energy, energy medicine, and high-end service
conservation and environmental sector involving headquarters 2 County-level Cities
protection, satellite navigation and economy, modern finance, culture Directly Under
the modern service sector involving industry and modern logistics. Provincial Jurisdiction
culture, tourism, commerce, finance, and 7. Baoding, a Strategic City around
E-commerce. the National Capital and a City with 1. Dingzhou, Capital of the Ancient State
2. Chengde, the Royal Garden and Advanced Economy and Ethics of Zhongshan and a New City with
Charming Summer Resort Focus on the development of auto & spare Modern Charms
Focus on the development of high-end parts, new energy and energy equipment Focus on the development of automobile,
tourism service, high-end equipment manufacturing, textiles and garments, new energy, bio-medicine and modern
manufacturing, new hi-technology, new food, building materials, aerospace and logistics.
materials of vanadium and titanium, new related new materials, bio-medicine, 2. Xinji, Traditional Market of Thousand
energy, food and medicine processing, modern agriculture, modern service, Years and the World Capital of Furs and
modern logistics and cultural innovation. tourism, culture & sports and energy Leathers
3. Zhangjiakou, a Skiing Resort and City conservation & environmental protection. Focus on the development of R &
of Wind Power 8. Cangzhou, a Petro-chemical Base and D, manufacturing and trade of furs
Focus on the development of tourism New Coastal City and leathers, fine chemical industry,
service, new energy, equipment Focus on the development of petro- equipment manufacturing, modern
manufacturing, food processing, modern chemical industry, equipment agriculture and high-end modern
logistics, financial service, old-age care & manufacturing, refined steel products, service sector involving culture, tourism,
medical service, and new hi-technology. port logistics, coastal tourism and marine commerce and logistics.
4. Qinhuangdao, a Bright Pearl of Bohai economy.
Sea and Dynamic Harbour City 9. Hengshui, a Beautiful Ecological City Please Contact:
Focus on the development of advanced famous for Light Industry
manufacturing, strategic emerging Focus on the development of modern Trade Development Bureau of
industries, port logistics, and leisure agriculture, food processing, fine chemical Hebei Province(河北省贸易发展局)
tourism. Through years of development, industry, equipment manufacturing and 唐 伟: 0311-87909682; 13931135675
a modern industrial system featuring ecological tourism. 范玉娟: 0311-87800299; 13739797761
new hi-technology industry, advanced 10. Xingtai, a City with Mountains, E-mail:
manufacturing and booming modern Water and Springs and a Base of New
service sector has been formed. Energy Industry
5. Tangshan, an Economically Strong Focus on the development of high-end
and Beautiful Coastal City equipment manufacturing, auto & new
Focus on the development of quality energy vehicles, new energy, energy
iron & steel, equipment manufacturing, conservation & environmental protection
fine chemical industry, port logistics, and modern service sector involving
new energy, energy conservation & modern logistics, tourism, commerce,
environmental protection, headquarters finance, E-commerce and service
economy, financial services, cultural outsourcing.
tourism, and new hi-technology.

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