Page 40 - SCBJ-201511
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South China Business Journal

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Foshan Nan Ling Electronics Co., Ltd. Anguo Law Firm Guangdong
佛山市南菱电器有限公司 广东安国律师事务所

The company was established in 1996, Anguo Law Firm is a large-scale comprehensive
we have been the cooperation colleague law firm covering a wide range of practice
of Mitsubishi electrical engineering since areas, especially those involving enterprise,
then. In the meantime we have become the outlet business of the such as Intellectual Property, investment
stereo set authorization business agent of BOSE and Boloni section. and financing, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law,
公司创立于1996年,自成立之日起一直作为三菱电机的合 Labor and Employment Law, etc. Anguo is more than a law firm.
作伙伴。同时成为BOSE音响授权代理商以及博洛尼的渠道 People in Anguo are not only lawyers, but also patent attorneys,
业务部门。 trademark attorneys, CPA, fellows of SAC and engineers. Briefly,
Contact person: 李维力 Anguo benefits numerous clients in aspects of law, technology
Add: 1304,13/F, Building 8, Area A, Hantian Kejicheng, No.17, and commerce.
Shenhai Rd., Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City 广东安国律师事务所从法律、技术、商业角度立体地为客户
地址:佛山市南海区桂城街道深海路17号瀚天科技城A区8 打造不倒的商业帝国。同时具备专利代理人、商标代理人、
号楼十三楼1304单元 注册会计师、证券从业资格、工程师等资质人才,为企业提
Tel: (86 757) 8608 6307; Fax: (86 757) 8608 6305 供全面的法律服务项目,为客户创造更多附加价值!
E-mail:; Website: Contact person: 谢乐安 Anle Xie
Add: 7th/17th Floor,Building A, Guangdong International Hotel,
Flight Centre Comfort Business Travel NO. 339 Huanshi Dong Road ,Guangzhou,P.R of China 510098
Service Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch 地址:广州市越秀区环市东路339号广东国际大厦A附楼7
北京福莱森特康辉国际旅行社有限公司广州分公司 楼、17楼。邮编510098
Tel: (86 20) 8323 4205, 13600009758; Fax: (86 20) 2237 2879
FCm Travel Solutions has a strong presence in E-mail:
China and as part of the Fight Centre Travel Website:
Group, has a long-term plan to continue
organic growth. We are one of the leading Foshan Golf Club
travel management groups in the country and offer specialized 佛山高尔夫球会
business travel and expense management capabilities to meet
the needs of the local corporate travel sector. Now FCm already Foshan Golf Club is a member-only club of international
became the top five TMC in the world. standard as well as the venue of European Challenge Tour-
FCm Travel Solutions是全球著名的旅游集团Flight Centre Foshan Open. Equipped with 18-hole championship golf course,
Travel Group旗下的全球差旅管理旗舰公司。FCm的全球 club house, locker room, restaurant, VIP room, Pro-shop, public
网络遍布90多个国家,是全球公认的五大顶级差旅管理公 driving range etc, FGC is committed to provide cultural golf life
司之一。FCm自2011年起连续四年被世界旅游大奖评为全 for members and guests.
球最佳差旅管理公司,为众多顶级区域性企业和跨国公司 佛山高尔夫球会是纯会员制的国际高尔夫俱乐部,是欧洲挑
提供服务。FCm长期以来帮助客户创造佳绩的成功案例不 战巡回赛佛山公开赛的主场。球会拥有18洞世界锦标赛级高
胜枚举。凭借FCm全球化网络,FCm为客户提供一系列领 尔夫球场、会所、更衣室、餐厅、专卖店以及公众真草练习
先的本地和全球性技术解决方案,推动差旅项目的每个阶 场等设施,为会员及其嘉宾打造精彩高尔夫文化生活。
段高效运行。我们屡获殊荣的和讯是这些先进技术幕后的 Contact person: Ms. Amanda Lee/ Li Guo Ting
员工。FCm鼓励员工的创新经验和广阔思维,我们充分利 Add: Foshan Golf Club No.333, Golf Road, Dali Town, Nanhai
用公司的全球网络、丰富的差旅产品和先进的技术平台打 District, Foshan City, Guangdong, 528231, PRC
造更好地差旅创意,为您的企业节约更多成本。 地址:广东省佛山市南海高新区高尔夫路333号广佛新世
Contact person: Ms. Ashley Wu 界佛山高尔夫球会
Add: RmB5810, No.33 Zhongshan San Road, Yuexiu District, Tel: 13424606929
Guangzhou China Fax: (86 757) 81827902
地址:广州市越秀区中山三路33号中华国际中心B5810室 E-mail:
Tel: (86 20) 8113 3910; Fax: (86 20) 8113 3919 Website:
E-mail:; Website:

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