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South China Business Journal

CITY FOCUS Sun Yat-sen University and Carnegie Mellon
University: Joint Research Institute

A powerhouse partnership

With a stunning ratio of about one professor or
researcher to every three postgraduate students,
the JRI fosters a rich and experiential learning
opportunity for students to be involved in making
fundamental advances in many fields like computer
vision, autonomous perception, computational
medicine, alternative energy vehicles, and so much
more. Celebrated professors and international
researchers like Dr. Andrey S. Andrenko, JRI’s
Principle investigator, have authored international
publications and developed patents in active
research areas including wireless sensor networks,
RFID systems, antenna integrated RF circuits, RF
energy harvesting, and the Internet of Things.

WHEN CHINESE AND American Universities team What is JRI’s impact?
up, big things happen. The Sun Yat-sen University The JRI offers a variety of government supported postgraduate
and Carnegie Mellon University’s Shunde International Joint courses in subjects ranging from artificial intelligence to
Research Institute (“JRI”) is South China’s leading institute for nanoparticle synthesis. Advances in these subject areas have led
postgraduate education in engineering and high-tech research. to real-life application of cutting edge technologies.

Why in Foshan? R&D Spotlight:
The JRI was established in Foshan for reasons including the • Target Marketing and Advertising Technology. “Li-
city’s unique investment environment, strong local markets and
private sector, strategic location in the heart of the Pearl River Fi” is a system to connect the lighting in supermarkets to
Delta, forward thinking mindset of local leaders, first-tier quality advertising screens built into customers shopping carts.
at second-tier prices, and a vast talent pool for students and • Kinetic Energy Harvesting. Developing Piezolectric
researchers. devices to convert mechanical vibrations into kinetic energy
for industrial application.
Located in Shunde, China’s richest district, the JRI capitalizes • Computational Medicine & Neuroscience. Using
on many strategic advantages of the region. Shunde is home to medical images of patients and big data analytics to develop
over 2,000 foreign enterprises and 13 vocational schools, and software to help doctors see what they cannot currently see.
graduates over 13,500 professional technicians that enter the • Alternative Energy Vehicles. Navigation routing
local workforce each year. Shunde provides JRI with both ample algorithms for electrified vehicles, new battery management
JRI’s postgraduate candidates and also local business partners systems to make batteries more efficient and less prone to
for tech commercialization. degradation, phone app for driving analytics and habits,
and smart exterior vehicle designs.

What is the JRI? The JRI is helping South China to shape its knowledge economy

The JRI has world-renowned researchers and professors to and becoming a global leader in science and engineering. The

develop and teach about technologies with immediate industrial JRI has the potential to become the Langer Labs of the East

impact. The Institute uses collaboration and cross-cultural by pioneering R&D and endeavoring to transform ideas into

cooperation of many stakeholders to provide real-time solutions profitable start-up companies.

to industries across the world.

Enquiries? Please contact us:
International Department, Foshan Investment Promotion Agency,, (86 757) 83280559

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