Page 29 - SCBJ-201511
P. 29
November 2015

entities over purchase terminals. As and investment are carried out by R&F
such, cross-border import e-commerce is Properties and the area is operated by R&F
experiencing a boom. Logistics Park.

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Currently, the Central area of the
Integrated Bonded Zone takes advantage integrated bonded zone near the Baiyun
of the relevant policy at the special area Airport and the adjacent storage spaces
of supervision by the customs and thus supervised by the customs are insufficient
becomes a pilot park for cross-border to meet demand, while the construction of
the storage facilities in the South area has
not commenced yet, thus greatly limiting
the further growth of airport cross-border

R&F Logistics Park, a Proactive

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Integrated Bonded Zone As the Central area of the airport bonded
zone and the storage spaces supervised
applied to the airport customs and entry- ecommerce. It has successfully carried out by the customs are used to full capacity,
exit inspection and quarantine authorities cross-border e-commerce such as B2B2C anticipation is running high for the North
for operating cross-border e-commerce. bonded import, B2C direct purchase area of the bonded zone operated by R&F
import, and personal items. Logistics Park. While no construction has
Dramatic Growth of Cross- started yet on the enclosed part at Phase
border Import via E-commerce Serious Shortage of Bonded One of the North area of the bonded
at the Airport Economic Zone Storage Facility zone, R&F Logistics Park applied to the
airport customs and entry-exit inspection
Recent years have witnessed the Nationwide, the growth rate of cross- and quarantine authorities for operating
improvement of the living standards of border e-commerce is much faster than cross-border e-commerce on the already
Chinese people and the innovation of the that of logistics facilities, making logistics built ramp storage facility within the red
cross-border import model. With policy the bottleneck of cross-border e-commerce line (enclosed part in Phase Two) in the
support, cross-border import e-commerce growth. North area of the bonded zone in order to
has rapidly developed. In 2014, the alleviate the pressure of the shortage of
volumes of transactions for cross-border Guangzhou Baiyun International cross-border e-commerce storage spaces.
import e-commerce in China amounted Airport Integrated Bonded Zone, whose
to 476.29 billion yuan at a growth rate of establishment has been officially approved The three-storied ramp storage facility of
more than 58% over 2013, taking up 2.7% by the State Council, is said to cover a R&F Logistics Park has a building area of
of the total cross-border e-commerce. planned area of 7.385 square kilometers, 106,000 square meters and is the largest
The circulation chain for “overseas making it the largest airport integrated ramp storage space in Guangzhou.
shopping” has been reduced as a result bonded zone in China. It comprises the
of policy support, lower logistics costs, Central, North, and South areas. The The cross-border e-commerce customers
better service, standardization of customs enclosed part of the North area phase that have moved into R&F Logistics Park
clearance, and the control of e-commerce one covers 86.32 acres. Construction include COSCO Air, WTD, TMall, and
Top Ideal SCM. With its many years of
experience in logistics park operations,
the Park has been well recognized by its
customers for its excellent service.

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