Page 28 - SCBJ-201511
P. 28
South China Business Journal


With Cross-border
E-commerce Booming
in Guangzhou, Storage
Facility Is Hard to Come by

AT A TIME when Chinese foreign new driving force behind future trade rise to the rapid growth of airport cross-
trade is slowing down, cross-border development. border e-commerce in Guangzhou.
e-commerce is becoming an economic
“bright spot”. According to the projection On April 17, 2014, Guangzhou Baiyun This drastic growth of business has led
of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the International Airport Integrated Bonded to a serious shortage of support facilities
volumes of Chinese imports and exports Zone passed the acceptance test jointly in the adjacent area, though. Guangzhou
via cross-border e-commerce will amount run by ten commissions and ministries Int’l Airport R&F Integrated Logistics
to 6.5 trillion yuan in 2016, representing of the Chinese central government, Park has responded actively to this issue
a 30% annual growth rate. This type of becoming the country’s third airport by seizing this business opportunity
e-commerce is rapidly developing as a integrated bonded zone. This has given and keeping abreast of the times. It has

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