Page 314 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 314
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

of engineers and supporting the country's drive the National Science Foundation. Part of this shift
toward becoming the largest manufacturing in America's position in the top 100 could have
powerhouse in the world. To better serve national been caused by a lack of allocated federal budget.
and industry development, 17,000 undergraduate In 2021, American research and development as a
majors have been opened since 2012, while 10,000 percentage of the federal budget fell to a 70-year
have been removed or suspended from enrolling low as a percentage of the federal budget. This is
new students. The country will continue to improve in contrast to China, which has steadily upped its
the quality of its higher education institutions, spending by an average of 10.6% annually from
ensure that such education serves major national 2010 to 2019. Another part of the decline could
development strategies and promote the be due to a fall in the West's attractiveness as a
development of universities and colleges with destination for international students. The UK
Chinese characteristics (SCIO). and the US, both extremely popular destinations
for international students, lost market share in
Meanwhile, boosting education has also boosted students coming from abroad from 2008 to 2019.
China’s academic ranking. The number of US The number of undergraduate students from
universities in the top 100 of the World University mainland China studying in Hong Kong universities
Rankings by Times Higher Education has dropped also grew to record highs in the last academic year,
for the fifth year running, while the number in due to intensified geopolitical tensions between
China sits at an all-time high. While the US and the China and the US and UK. Geopolitical tensions
UK still dominate the top slots in the Times ranking, aside, the top 200 on the Times Higher Education
which tracks universities based on their teaching, list is the most diverse it has ever been with 104
research, knowledge transfer, and international countries and regions in 2022, compared to just 70
outlook, the number of American institutions in the in 2016 (Mellor).
top 100 fell from 43 to 34 between 2018 and 2022,
while the number of Chinese universities increased Works Cited
from two to seven. While the US and UK remain
dominant at the top of the rankings, with Oxford Number of Tutoring Institutions
University taking first place for the world’s leading Plummets, 9 Mar. 2022,
research university for the seventh year in a row, china/2022-03/01/content_78078227.htm.
their relative power is waning: mainland China leads
a strengthening in East Asia, taking more and more “China's Massive Open Online
of the top 200 places. The top 10 universities in the Courses Attract about 1 BLN Students in Past 10
ranking, in order, are Oxford University, Harvard Years.” China's Massive Open Online Courses
University, University of Cambridge, Stanford Attract about 1 Bln Students in Past 10 Years -
University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,, 21 Dec. 2022, http://www.china.
California Institute of Technology, Princeton
University, University of California, Berkeley, Yale htm#:~:text=China%27s%20massive%20open%20
University, and Imperial College London. The first online%20courses%20%28MOOC%29%20
Chinese university on the list comes in at 16th have%20attracted,users.%20The%20
place, which is jointly shared by Peking University educational%20platform%20was%20launched%-
and Tsinghua University. Five years earlier, both 20in%202012.
schools found themselves below 30th place. One
of the main drivers in China’s exaltation into the GT. “China's Curriculum-Based Private Tutoring
rankings of the Times Higher Education list was Pricing Down.” Global Times, 9 Jan. 2022, https://
driven by their advanced COVID research and the
number of citations on their papers. China's rising
academic output can also be seen in the number of CD. “Luring Talent with More Opportunities.”
patents it produces. China's share of international, 4 Nov. 2022, https://
patents rose from 16% in 2010 to 49% in 2020.
Over the same time frame, the share of US-borne WS63644a5aa310fd2b29e80300.html.
patents declined from 15% to 10%, according to

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