Page 278 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 278
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
first half. Almost all sub-sectors attained recovery Big Air outdoor venue and the National Winter
in the first three quarters, logging rapid increases Sports Training Center were both built in Shougang
or narrowing declines in revenue compared with Industrial Park, the former site of the Shougang
the first six months. Emerging business models steel factory in Shijingshan district, said Li Xianxia,
of the cultural industry maintained sound growth deputy director of the district. He said the Winter
momentum in the first nine months, with their Olympics have drawn global attention to Shougang
operating revenue rising 3.9% from 2021 to 3.08 Industrial Park, especially after China's prodigy Gu
trillion RMB. The NBS data came from a survey Ailing took the gold there in the women's freeski big
of cultural companies with annual revenue of air with a stellar 1620 on Feb 8. The district has held
more than 20 million RMB or those meeting other exhibitions on these sites in both domestic and
standards set by the NBS (Xinhua, “China’s Cultural foreign cities, attracting more than 3 million visitors.
Industry Posts Steady Growth in Jan-Sept”). Products highlighting the cultural elements of the
Summer Palace and the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics have become popular among consumers (Wen).
The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will be The influence of the Beijing 2022 Olympic
the start of a new era for winter sports worldwide Winter Games can be seen in China's enthusiasm
with over 300 million Chinese taking up winter for winter sports in summer. Harbin Ming Jiang Ice
sports, said International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Center operates this air-dome ice rink. "After
President Thomas Bach, as he opened the 139th the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, the number of
IOC Session in the Chinese capital on the eve of students here has increased significantly, and now
the Opening Ceremony. The IOC President added the number of students has reached more than
that Beijing will officially become the first city ever 1,000," said Meng Qingyou, coach of the center.
to host both summer and winter editions of the In Harbin, many air-dome ice rinks are distributed
Olympic Games. Bach also believed that the Chinese in many areas of the city. These air-dome ice
people would enjoy social benefits from hosting rinks provide ice sports training grounds for local
the Games. Meanwhile, the Chinese winter sports teenagers. During this summer vacation, it is
boom will surely have many economic benefits. difficult to find free parking spaces in the parking
The IOC President said that China saw the income lot in front of the air-dome ice rinks. Many parents
from winter sports exceed US$61 billion in the last bring sports equipment and take their children
season. In 2019, more than 100 million tourists to enjoy the coolness brought by winter sports.
visited the Olympic Mountain regions alone. When In addition to skating, the "BONSKI" indoor ski
Beijing was elected as host in 2015, over 16% of resort in Harbin is also very popular this summer.
the residents of the Chongli district, where the There are eight ski slopes with different gradients,
Zhangjiakou competition zone is located, were and the highest vertical drop is 80 meters, which
living in poverty. By 2019, Chongli was officially can accommodate thousands of people skiing
declared to have eliminated poverty. Beijing 2022 simultaneously. In Beijing, the renovated Capital
will also mean a lot for winter sports beyond China Indoor Stadium for the short track speed skating
and change the global landscape of winter sports and figure skating events at the Beijing Olympic
forever. For the athletes, Bach underlined how Winter Games has officially opened to the public,
they have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attracting many people to participate in ice sports.
reach not only their traditional supporters, but also Not only mass sports, but in Qiqihar, the "City of Ice
a completely new fan base during these Olympic Hockey," the just-concluded Ice Hockey Invitational
Winter Games (Xinhua, “Beijing 2022 Starts New Tournament attracted 80 participating teams,
Era for Global Winter Sports”). and a total of 192 games were played in eight
game days. The successful holding of the Beijing
Beijing has been using opportunities brought Olympic Winter Games has ignited the enthusiasm
by the 2022 Winter Olympics to renovate its of Chinese people to participate in winter sports
traditional industrial bases and explore the cultural and provided a historic opportunity for developing
values of historic attractions across the city. The the ice and snow industry (Xinhua, “Beijing 2022
Inspires Enthusiasm for Winter Sports in China”).
first half. Almost all sub-sectors attained recovery Big Air outdoor venue and the National Winter
in the first three quarters, logging rapid increases Sports Training Center were both built in Shougang
or narrowing declines in revenue compared with Industrial Park, the former site of the Shougang
the first six months. Emerging business models steel factory in Shijingshan district, said Li Xianxia,
of the cultural industry maintained sound growth deputy director of the district. He said the Winter
momentum in the first nine months, with their Olympics have drawn global attention to Shougang
operating revenue rising 3.9% from 2021 to 3.08 Industrial Park, especially after China's prodigy Gu
trillion RMB. The NBS data came from a survey Ailing took the gold there in the women's freeski big
of cultural companies with annual revenue of air with a stellar 1620 on Feb 8. The district has held
more than 20 million RMB or those meeting other exhibitions on these sites in both domestic and
standards set by the NBS (Xinhua, “China’s Cultural foreign cities, attracting more than 3 million visitors.
Industry Posts Steady Growth in Jan-Sept”). Products highlighting the cultural elements of the
Summer Palace and the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics have become popular among consumers (Wen).
The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will be The influence of the Beijing 2022 Olympic
the start of a new era for winter sports worldwide Winter Games can be seen in China's enthusiasm
with over 300 million Chinese taking up winter for winter sports in summer. Harbin Ming Jiang Ice
sports, said International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Center operates this air-dome ice rink. "After
President Thomas Bach, as he opened the 139th the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, the number of
IOC Session in the Chinese capital on the eve of students here has increased significantly, and now
the Opening Ceremony. The IOC President added the number of students has reached more than
that Beijing will officially become the first city ever 1,000," said Meng Qingyou, coach of the center.
to host both summer and winter editions of the In Harbin, many air-dome ice rinks are distributed
Olympic Games. Bach also believed that the Chinese in many areas of the city. These air-dome ice
people would enjoy social benefits from hosting rinks provide ice sports training grounds for local
the Games. Meanwhile, the Chinese winter sports teenagers. During this summer vacation, it is
boom will surely have many economic benefits. difficult to find free parking spaces in the parking
The IOC President said that China saw the income lot in front of the air-dome ice rinks. Many parents
from winter sports exceed US$61 billion in the last bring sports equipment and take their children
season. In 2019, more than 100 million tourists to enjoy the coolness brought by winter sports.
visited the Olympic Mountain regions alone. When In addition to skating, the "BONSKI" indoor ski
Beijing was elected as host in 2015, over 16% of resort in Harbin is also very popular this summer.
the residents of the Chongli district, where the There are eight ski slopes with different gradients,
Zhangjiakou competition zone is located, were and the highest vertical drop is 80 meters, which
living in poverty. By 2019, Chongli was officially can accommodate thousands of people skiing
declared to have eliminated poverty. Beijing 2022 simultaneously. In Beijing, the renovated Capital
will also mean a lot for winter sports beyond China Indoor Stadium for the short track speed skating
and change the global landscape of winter sports and figure skating events at the Beijing Olympic
forever. For the athletes, Bach underlined how Winter Games has officially opened to the public,
they have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attracting many people to participate in ice sports.
reach not only their traditional supporters, but also Not only mass sports, but in Qiqihar, the "City of Ice
a completely new fan base during these Olympic Hockey," the just-concluded Ice Hockey Invitational
Winter Games (Xinhua, “Beijing 2022 Starts New Tournament attracted 80 participating teams,
Era for Global Winter Sports”). and a total of 192 games were played in eight
game days. The successful holding of the Beijing
Beijing has been using opportunities brought Olympic Winter Games has ignited the enthusiasm
by the 2022 Winter Olympics to renovate its of Chinese people to participate in winter sports
traditional industrial bases and explore the cultural and provided a historic opportunity for developing
values of historic attractions across the city. The the ice and snow industry (Xinhua, “Beijing 2022
Inspires Enthusiasm for Winter Sports in China”).