Page 276 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 276
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Key Take-Aways focuses on a wide range of issues, including the
development of social sciences with Chinese
• Cultural resources will also play a key role characteristics, promotion of morals, a more
in the vitalization of rural areas. civilized and healthier cyberspace, the creation of
literary and art works, and in-depth studies and
• China's cultural sector sustained steady protection of cultural relics. Integrated development
growth in revenue in the first three quarters of 2022. of culture and tourism, the strengthened
protection of intangible cultural heritage and
• The Beijing Olympics has led to an increase improvement of public cultural services are also
in tourism, revenue and an interest in winter sports. listed as key goals in the document. For example,
the guideline highlights that a complete network
• Since the pandemic, Chinese citizens have of cultural facilities involving museums, libraries
begun exercising along with online influencers who and art galleries will be formed in the next few
are hosting daily exercises that have eventually years to provide stronger support for grassroots
become a routine. This had led to a great increase communities. Cultural resources will also play a
in fitness interests. key role in the vitalization of rural areas, and local
farmers are encouraged to organize their own art
• Since the pandemic, the global landscape troupes, poetry festivals and exhibitions. In the
of the entertainment and media industry is being digital realm, cultural enterprises are encouraged
reshaped and consumption patterns could change to adopt approaches that include big data
dramatically, while the metaverse may trigger a analysis, blockchain and cloud computing in their
new wave of digitalization. cultural services, stage performances, films and
publications. The new guideline shows that China
Background will continue to spare no effort for cross-border
cultural communication in a community with a
The general offices of the Communist Party of shared future for mankind. The global branding
China Central Committee and the State Council, of tourism, international trade of artworks and
China's Cabinet, jointly released the national digitized cultural products, and cooperation of
guideline for cultural development in August 2022. international investment in culture, among others,
The plan is aimed at promoting socialist culture will be encouraged, the guideline says (Kaihao).
and building China into a country with a strong
grounding in culture and art. Calling culture the Cultural Industry
soul of a country, as well as the soul of its national
governance, the plan said that without prosperity China's cultural sector sustained steady growth
and development of a socialist culture, there in revenue in the first three quarters of 2022. The
would be no socialist modernization. China aims to combined operating revenue of major companies
see enhanced social etiquette and civility, a more in the sector amounted to 8.65 trillion RMB (about
prosperous cultural industry, a further increase in 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars) in the January-September
the appeal of Chinese culture and improvement period, up 1.4% year on year, according to the
in its cultural system, according to the goals and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The growth
tasks set out in the plan. The 15-chapter document went up by 1.1 percentage points from that in the
Key Take-Aways focuses on a wide range of issues, including the
development of social sciences with Chinese
• Cultural resources will also play a key role characteristics, promotion of morals, a more
in the vitalization of rural areas. civilized and healthier cyberspace, the creation of
literary and art works, and in-depth studies and
• China's cultural sector sustained steady protection of cultural relics. Integrated development
growth in revenue in the first three quarters of 2022. of culture and tourism, the strengthened
protection of intangible cultural heritage and
• The Beijing Olympics has led to an increase improvement of public cultural services are also
in tourism, revenue and an interest in winter sports. listed as key goals in the document. For example,
the guideline highlights that a complete network
• Since the pandemic, Chinese citizens have of cultural facilities involving museums, libraries
begun exercising along with online influencers who and art galleries will be formed in the next few
are hosting daily exercises that have eventually years to provide stronger support for grassroots
become a routine. This had led to a great increase communities. Cultural resources will also play a
in fitness interests. key role in the vitalization of rural areas, and local
farmers are encouraged to organize their own art
• Since the pandemic, the global landscape troupes, poetry festivals and exhibitions. In the
of the entertainment and media industry is being digital realm, cultural enterprises are encouraged
reshaped and consumption patterns could change to adopt approaches that include big data
dramatically, while the metaverse may trigger a analysis, blockchain and cloud computing in their
new wave of digitalization. cultural services, stage performances, films and
publications. The new guideline shows that China
Background will continue to spare no effort for cross-border
cultural communication in a community with a
The general offices of the Communist Party of shared future for mankind. The global branding
China Central Committee and the State Council, of tourism, international trade of artworks and
China's Cabinet, jointly released the national digitized cultural products, and cooperation of
guideline for cultural development in August 2022. international investment in culture, among others,
The plan is aimed at promoting socialist culture will be encouraged, the guideline says (Kaihao).
and building China into a country with a strong
grounding in culture and art. Calling culture the Cultural Industry
soul of a country, as well as the soul of its national
governance, the plan said that without prosperity China's cultural sector sustained steady growth
and development of a socialist culture, there in revenue in the first three quarters of 2022. The
would be no socialist modernization. China aims to combined operating revenue of major companies
see enhanced social etiquette and civility, a more in the sector amounted to 8.65 trillion RMB (about
prosperous cultural industry, a further increase in 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars) in the January-September
the appeal of Chinese culture and improvement period, up 1.4% year on year, according to the
in its cultural system, according to the goals and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The growth
tasks set out in the plan. The 15-chapter document went up by 1.1 percentage points from that in the