Page 49 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 49
ure 49 Comparison of Improvement/Deterioration of Overall Business Environment in South China (2018-2022)
图表 49 认为华南地区整体营商环境提高或下降对比(2018-2022)

Similar to previous findings, over half of 与往年调查结果相仿,过半企业选择在华
the participating companies consider the 南地区发展的首要原因是该地区具有市
growing local market as the primary reason for 场增长潜力,其次是邻近港澳台地区(43%)及华
establishing companies in South China. 43% 南地区更好的基础设施(40%)。2022年,运营成
opt for its proximity to Hong Kong, Macau, and 本上升及人力资源成本增加均是企业在华南地区发
Taiwan, and 40% choose its better infrastructure. 展所面临的最大挑战。其他主要挑战还包括缺乏合
Rising operation costs and rising labor costs are 格的人才及本地竞争激烈,但相较2021年,这两大
the two biggest challenges that companies face 挑战在一定程度上有所缓解。
in South China in 2022. Other major challenges
include a lack of qualified personnel and intense
local competition, but these two challenges have
eased to some extent compared with 2021.

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