Page 48 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 48
Chapter Four Business and

The second half of 2022 witnessed a surge in 2022年下半年,广东省多个城市疫情反复多
COVID-19 cases in many cities in Guangdong 点爆发,尤其是广州市,部分地区实行封闭
province, not least the Guangzhou city. Enclosed 式管理,企业生产经营活动因而受到严重影响。虽然
management was implemented in some areas, 相关政府部门陆续出台了一系列支持政策,为企业纾
and business operation was severely impacted. 困解难,但认为华南地区营商环境“很好”及“好”
Although the government departments have 的受访企业比例同比下降9%至74%。近五分之一的
launched a slew of supportive policies to help 受访企业认为华南地区整体营商环境有所下降,相较
ease the burden of companies in difficulties, the 去年增长了11%。
proportion of companies that rate the business
environment in South China as “excellent” or
“good” decreases by 9% to 74%. And nearly one-
fifth of the participating companies see a decline
in the business environment, a rise of about 11%.

Figure 48 Comparison of Business Environment in South China (2018-2022)
图表 48 华南地区营商环境对比(2018-2022)

   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53