Page 32 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 32
Chapter Three Reinvestment

China remains the top spot in the 40%的受访企业依然将中国列为其全球投资
global investment plans by 40% of the 计划中的首位,创近五年新低。然而,中
participating companies. Although the percentage 国依旧是企业投资最青睐的热土,超九成受访企业
drops to a five-year low, China is still deemed as 将中国视为最重要的投资目的地之一。将中国作为
the most attractive destination for investment. 投资首选的外资企业比例连续第二年出现下降,但
More than 90% of the participating companies 仍有过半外资企业将中国列为全球前三大投资目的
select China as one of the most important 地。44%的消费产品及服务企业与39%的专业服务
investment destinations. Although the proportion 企业将中国列为全球首选投资目的地,而制造业企
of foreign companies that regard China as the 业的这一比例持续下降至35%,这再次表明中国作
first choice for investment has declined for the 为生产制造基地的吸引力正逐渐下降。
second consecutive year, more than 50% still list
China as the top three investment destinations. Figure 28 China’s Ranking in Companies‘ Global
China is the most preferred destination for 44% 图表 28 Investment Plans (2018-2022)
of companies engaged in consumption products 中国在企业全球投资计划中的地位(2018-2022)
and services and 39% from professional services.
But for manufacturing companies, the proportion
continues to drop to 35%, which once again
shows that China has been losing its appeal as a
manufacturing base.

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